(Member) (Topic Starter)

What injections and or tablets are required for my trip please


  • (Member)
Hi Chrissy

I would urge you to have a word with your GP or NHS Direct as I'm not qualified to offer a medical opinion! Your GP will also know about your medical history.

However, the Scottish NHS website is a useful guide. 

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
I am on this tour and I was advised to have.

Typhiod, Hepatitus A, Polio, Diptheria, Tetanus and Yellow Fever, these I had last week, the only one I had to pay for was Yellow Fever £48.00, also I got a prescription for the maleria tabs malarone 2 days before you go all the while your away and week when you come back so for me 23 tabs. If I get at chemist be about £77.000 so I am getting them from £52.00, lady I am travelling with also had the swine flu jab as well. I am doing the add on with this tour.
