(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Olly

I have had your 2010/11 brochure to which I have browsed. And I see nothing really in it for the early part of 2011. From January to March in Europe. I was hoping to get away early in the New Year ( Non Sking). Will there be another brochure or will there be any additional European destinations added at some point. I have already made enquiries with regard to next Summer from the latest Brochure. But was hoping something fairly close for early in the new year

Regards Andy

  • (Member)
Hi Andy

We will be releasing on our full first edition brochure for 2011 in August, so you might find some suitable dates in that. I'm afraid I don't yet know what it will contain as the details are still being finalised.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor