intrepid traveller
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone,  give thanks for the vaccines light at the end of the tunnel.  Thankfully had my first jab today and been given a second appointment which will be in 3 weeks.  It felt like the first steps to socialising, holidays, airplanes, cinemas, theatres.  I feel as if once again the world is going to be my oyster.

So fellow Just You travellers ? I hope you will all be able to enjoy Christmas and will soon be travelling the world again.

'intrepid traveller' wrote:

Hi everyone,  give thanks for the vaccines light at the end of the tunnel.  Thankfully had my first jab today and been given a second appointment which will be in 3 weeks.  It felt like the first steps to socialising, holidays, airplanes, cinemas, theatres.  I feel as if once again the world is going to be my oyster.

So fellow Just You travellers ? I hope you will all be able to enjoy Christmas and will soon be travelling the world again.

Well I had my first shot yesterday with the next one due in 12 weeks so I am on the way to being able to travel again later in the year.

I'll just have to try to get some sort of fitness which I have lost with both lockdown and prolonged rain here in South Wales.

 It will be nice to look at holidays with hope rather than just as a dream.

  • (Member)
A belated Happy New Year everyone!  It does seem that vaccines will be needed for international travel as well as recent negative covid tests.  As I am not yet (but almost) in the 70+ age group I will have to wait until February or March for my first jab, and if the second dose is 12 weeks later that will take it to May or June.

I'm booked (and have been since before the pandemic!) to go with JY to Canada in May, which means I might have had one jab and not both when I go.  I'm expecting this trip to be cancelled, the way things are going, but until then I have to assume it will go ahead.  The balance is due on 14 February which I am bound to pay unless I hear otherwise.

So, I'm pessimistic for Spring and Summer, more optimistic for Autumn, and hopeful that 2022 will be back to something like normal, with no face masks!

  • (Member)
Further to my latest post, I have since looked in JY's Covid information and discovered that they will request balance payments when they're confident of a holiday going ahead, and as such I can disregard the stated due by date. I hope this information is useful to everyone in the same position as me.
  • (Member)
Hello everyone

I hope I get my vaccine soon, I am in the clinical vulnerable category and am shielding at the moment as per the advice though no idea when I will get my first shot.

Take care and stay safe


Mike A
Yep, I am in the same position as Jaya, i.e. vulnerable and shielding, although some friends younger than me have had theirs, although they are vulnerable too. It's seems to depend on where one lives.
  • (Member)
I had my first dose of Pfizer on Sunday and thankfully not any bad effects other than a sore arm where needle went in. I am so desperate to go on an overseas trip, I miss my travelling, but tbh I really don’t think it will be ok until 2022, although if things are ok at Xmas this year, I would consider a UK break three.
  • (Member)
Hi RayG, and everyone

Regarding final payments, due to these uncertain times we have purposely delayed the collection of final payments for upcoming holidays. Rest assured that Just You will contact you via email or phone when you need to pay your final balance. If you do not hear from Just You please do not pay your final balance at this time.

Fingers crossed we will all be travelling soon

Stay safe and best wishes to you all

Matt & the Just You Team

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