Poppy Blue
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I am wondering whether to book a trip away for New Year.  I am trying to decide between the Lisbon trip and the Adriatic Coast.  Anyone been to either/both and can help me in my decision please?

Looks more potential for rain in Italy but I love Italy, Lisbon I have wanted to visit the coastal area around it and it looks like their are fireworks.....decisions decisions.  This will be my first trip away with Just You (going through divorce)

Thank you......

'Poppy Blue' wrote:

Hi, I am wondering whether to book a trip away for New Year.  I am trying to decide between the Lisbon trip and the Adriatic Coast.  Anyone been to either/both and can help me in my decision please?

Looks more potential for rain in Italy but I love Italy, Lisbon I have wanted to visit the coastal area around it and it looks like their are fireworks.....decisions decisions.  This will be my first trip away with Just You (going through divorce)

Thank you......

Hi, can't help you with your decision but just saying hello as I am also looking to book my first trip with Just You. Am planning to book the New York trip next year. I need to just take the plunge and this website looks great. Best of luck!

intrepid traveller
Hi Poppy, sorry about your divorce.  I have been on 3 JY New Year holidays and thoroughly enjoyed them all.  Can’t help with your decision but am sure that you will have a great time whichever you choose.  Enjoy!!
Poppy Blue
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for your replies - I eventually booked onto the Andalusian trip:)