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I have been told by someone at work (a South African) that I only really need Malaria tablets for the Victoria Falls add on, which is high risk. They have said that it is better to get the tables when 1 get there.

Has anyone done this holiday, and if so, has anyone got the tables when they got there?.

If I got them in SA, then I would be taking them roughly 2 weeks before Zambia.

thanks :dodgy:

'Mandy305' wrote:


I have been told by someone at work (a South African) that I only really need Malaria tablets for the Victoria Falls add on, which is high risk. They have said that it is better to get the tables when 1 get there.

Has anyone done this holiday, and if so, has anyone got the tables when they got there?.

If I got them in SA, then I would be taking them roughly 2 weeks before Zambia.

thanks :dodgy:

I got mine in the U.K. from the Asda pharmacy. They were less than a pound per day.  

We were instructed to take them for when we entered the Kruger Park, if I remember rightly the ones I had you started taking them 2 days prior to entering Kruger and then every day until I’d been home for a week. 

Not everybody took the tablests but having had friends contract malaria before I wasn’t going to risk it.

  • (Member)
'Mandy305' wrote:


I have been told by someone at work (a South African) that I only really need Malaria tablets for the Victoria Falls add on, which is high risk. They have said that it is better to get the tables when 1 get there.

Has anyone done this holiday, and if so, has anyone got the tables when they got there?.

If I got them in SA, then I would be taking them roughly 2 weeks before Zambia.

thanks :dodgy:

Hi Mandy

I have done this trip and I personally did not take any malaria tablets either for South Africa or Zambia.  Hotel in Zambia had plug in mosquito repellents and they also had sprays.  I was there in September and we were told that the mosquitoes were not malarial.  Why don't you have a word with the travel nurse at your GPs surgery?



  • (Member)
Hi Mandy,

I was advised that there is a risk at Kruger, so I started taking them the day before I went there.  I got malarone on prescription before I went. There were lots of mossies in Zambia, so I put on repellent religiously - and went on mossie hunt in my room each evening before I went to bed!  Keep your air-con on as much as possible, as the little blighters don't like it.  I only got one bad bite, that was in the winelands area, outside the malaria zone.

This is a wonderful holiday and the Vic Falls add-on was the icing on the cake, so I'm sure you will have a wonderful time!




I did the South Africa part of this trip and I was advised to take malaria tablets for the Kruger National Park element. I bought the tablets from my local chemist.

My advice would be to speak to either your GP or Practice Nurse who will have access to the most up to date travel health information.


'Mandy305' wrote:


I have been told by someone at work (a South African) that I only really need Malaria tablets for the Victoria Falls add on, which is high risk. They have said that it is better to get the tables when 1 get there.

Has anyone done this holiday, and if so, has anyone got the tables when they got there?.

If I got them in SA, then I would be taking them roughly 2 weeks before Zambia.

thanks :dodgy:

Hi Mandy

That doesn't sound like very good advice to me. When I did this tour the advice was to take Malaria tablets for Kruger. I don't recall needing them for Zambia but that may have changed.

As for getting them there, do you really want to waste your time searching for a pharmacy? There's much better things to do in SA!! 

 I went to the pharmacist in Asda and he was really helpful, not only sorting out the correct tablets to take but advising re insect repellent as well.  The price was very reasonable and much less than getting a doctor's prescription.

I know other shops also have a similar service.

Enjoy your holiday South Africa is great.


'Mandy305' wrote:


I have been told by someone at work (a South African) that I only really need Malaria tablets for the Victoria Falls add on, which is high risk. They have said that it is better to get the tables when 1 get there.

Has anyone done this holiday, and if so, has anyone got the tables when they got there?.

If I got them in SA, then I would be taking them roughly 2 weeks before Zambia.

thanks :dodgy:

I think when it comes to medical matters like this it is essential to take professional advice from a pharmacist. Your friends may well be right but things do change over time so its always best to check.

When I went I first needed tablets for the Kruger park.

Some people on my trip did buy their tablets in South Africa But these trips are always busy and do you want to spend time getting them when you are there?

I normally buy GENERIC malarone from Asda. Since the patent expired a few years ago the price has reduced considerably. I can then spend my time enjoying myself on holiday rather than having to look for a pharmacy.

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

'Mandy305' wrote:


I have been told by someone at work (a South African) that I only really need Malaria tablets for the Victoria Falls add on, which is high risk. They have said that it is better to get the tables when 1 get there.

Has anyone done this holiday, and if so, has anyone got the tables when they got there?.

If I got them in SA, then I would be taking them roughly 2 weeks before Zambia.

thanks :dodgy:

Hi Mandy

I have done this trip and I personally did not take any malaria tablets either for South Africa or Zambia.  Hotel in Zambia had plug in mosquito repellents and they also had sprays.  I was there in September and we were told that the mosquitoes were not malarial.  Why don't you have a word with the travel nurse at your GPs surgery?



Thank you Jaya

The nurse at my Dr practice, told me to go to a travel clinic!

I think I will ask in Asda, as several people got their tablets there (and its where I shop).

you always seem to be a mine of information, from reading your replies other people's questions, so THANK YOU!

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Mandy,

I was advised that there is a risk at Kruger, so I started taking them the day before I went there.  I got malarone on prescription before I went. There were lots of mossies in Zambia, so I put on repellent religiously - and went on mossie hunt in my room each evening before I went to bed!  Keep your air-con on as much as possible, as the little blighters don't like it.  I only got one bad bite, that was in the winelands area, outside the malaria zone.

This is a wonderful holiday and the Vic Falls add-on was the icing on the cake, so I'm sure you will have a wonderful time!



Thank you Bob, and all the other people who took the time to reply.

I will be going to Asda on Saturday, so will speak to the pharmacist there, and buy the tables. Guess it is better to be prepared!

2 weeks today, and I will be in Cape Town. Cant wait, so excited!!!!!! :cool:

Chloesonic :)
Hi Mandy

I had my appointment a few weeks been and she advised Kruger as well as Zambia. But as we are traveling around SA and on safari she said better to take 2 days before and the whole length on the hol with a week to cover. No point risking it Hun x 

Yes see you in 2 weeks ::D


  • (Member)
My research tells me Kruger and Zambia so I'll be getting tablets to cover me for that part of the trip
