  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello to my fellow travellers on this trip.  I have just been finding out about the vaccinations needed for this trip and it has been suggested that I have a course of Rabies injections.  Have others been advised to have this? 

Also is it necessary to take malaria tablets.

I am seeing the nurse at my GPs next week to discuss.  Be interested to hear form others on this subject.


  • (Member)
Hi Deejay

I did this trip in March this year and was not advised to get Rabies injection. To be honest, I would not have had it even though I was advised by my GP's travel nurse. You only need it if you are planning to work with wild animals! I also did not take any malaria tablets. I took mosquito repellent, but hardly used it.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Deejay

I did this trip in March this  year and was not advised to get Rabies injection.  To be honest, I would not have had it even though I was advised by my GP's travel nurse.  You only need it if you are planning to work with wild animals!  I also did not take any malaria tablets.  I took mosquito repellent, but hardly used it.



Thanks - Ill speak to the nurse in the clinic next week.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Deejay

Rabies vaccination was suggested to me also but is in no way compulsory so I dont think i'm going to have it. Only if you're planning to get bitten as Jaya says.Nurse wouldn't prescribe malaria tablets but did advise tropical strength repellent containing DEET.

See you in Feb if it's the one on the 3rd.