(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I'm looking to hear from anyone that has flown Jet Airways with Just You.  I am due to fly with them on a Just You trip soon. Being excited about the trip I looked at online reviews for the airline and was distressed to see they were almost universally dreadful [unless travelling Business Class].  I don't think it wise to quote them but I was upset and disappointed that it might be a less than usual experience/quality I have come to expect from Just You. This will be my 5th trip with the company and so far quality has been something I felt I could rely on.  I usually take bad reviews with a pinch of salt but this time there were so many.

I understand they are probably the cheapest airline to fly with but the cost of the holidays don't seem to reflect this.  Is this a profit making exercise, I really hope not because I would be heart broken to loose trust in Just You.

Instead of feeling excited about my holiday I am now feeling a little nervous about this part.

Can anyone tell me of their experience of this airline.  I really hope I am worrying without cause.

Kindest regards


  • (Member)
Hi Gillian

I have flown with Jet Airways about 10 times, mainly on JY tours and have always been happy with Jet.I am sure you will have no problems. Enjoy your holiday. 

Regards Di

  • (Member)
Hi Gillian,

I flew with Jet to India with JY and they were absolutely fine.  At the end of the day, the flight is just a means to an end as far as I'm concerned - and once I collect my luggage the other end, all thoughts of the flight go out of my head whether it was good, bad or indifferent!

Have a lovely holiday and do not let worries about the flight detract from your enjoyment of it.

Best wishes,


Hi Gillian

I've flown with Jet a few times and whilst they may not be the most plush they are perfectly fine. The service onboard is always friendly and they always have a great choice of movies.

I hope this helps


Hi Gillian

You haven't said where you are flying to, but I have travelled to India with Jet Airways a couple of times in the past and didn't find anything scary or untoward about them. Yes, I think they are a budget airline but, unless they have deteriorated of late, I don't think you will have too much to worry about. I don't know what you have read,  but as long as they get you there and back in one piece don't let it spoil your holiday.  I've heard bad reports about other airlines I have been with and I have never personally had a complaint about any of them, it all depends on what your expectations are, you wont be travelling 1st Class, but I always look at it this way, if the pilot is prepared to fly the plane then it's ok by me.

Stop worrying, I'm sure you will have a great time.

Best regards


Hi Gillian,

You dont say where you are travelling to. In my experience low cost carriers always get a bad review. I looked them up following reading your note, and found that many people travelling with them thought they were perfectly adequate... food seems to be the big issue, and families sitting together.

I am sure the holiday wherever you are going will be amazing.. and the flight is just a small part of the holiday, so I dont let that stop you from being excited.


Hi Gillian

I have done both Spirit of India and Kerala trips. Both times I travelled with Jet Airways, both long haul and internal flights, and I had no complaints. The cabin crew were courteous and attentive and the seats, leg room etc were on a par with most other airlines.

I hope this puts your mind at rest. If you have any other questions please ask.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello everyone,

Thank you all for your very speedy reassurance it is really appreciated. I'm feeling a little more relaxed.

It seems it is a very budget operation and flying long haul and overnight on a budget type flight is daunting. Overnight flights are grueling enough. The better reviews were mainly for shorter flights in and around India. There were lots of reviews about old planes and old, worn out, small uncomfortable seats, lost luggage and poor food and service. Also comments like "never again"

However, if you have all managed then so will I.

I'm sure the holiday will be amazing and I'm looking forward to my trip to India.

I really hope that Just You's quality isn't slipping, solo travelers repeat book because Just You can be trusted to give good quality holidays, not cheap but good. I have recently been on a holiday with One Traveler and found it to be very good.

Again, very many thanks for your replies,

Kindest regards


  • (Member)
Hi Gillian

I flew with Jet when I went on the Kerala trip and they were fine. To be honest I prefer them than BA as in my personal opinion they were a lot better than BA.



  • (Member)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Gillian,

I flew with Jet to India with JY and they were absolutely fine.  At the end of the day, the flight is just a means to an end as far as I'm concerned - and once I collect my luggage the other end, all thoughts of the flight go out of my head whether it was good, bad or indifferent!

Have a lovely holiday and do not let worries about the flight detract from your enjoyment of it.

Best wishes,


I totally agree with Bob.


Hi Gillian,

Don't worry, Jet Airways are absolutely fine. I flew with them nearly 4 years ago on the Spirit of India tour and the comfort, food, service etc. compared favourably with most other airlines I've been with. Have a great holiday.

Lynda  🙂

Hi Gillian

I too have flown with them to India and they were absolutely fine. It was my first JY holiday and I was very happy with everything including the travelling. Have a great holiday.

Best wishes


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello to everyone that has been so kind and reassured me re the airline.  Thank you for helping me  feel more relaxed about it. I can now look forward to my trip without worry.  Getting excited now.

Again, VERY many thanks, you have been so kind.


  • (Member)
Hi Gillian

Have a fantastic time.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Gillian

Have a fantastic time.


Hello Jaya,

Many thanks for your reassurance and good wishes.

We met on the trip to Costa Rica in March, it was such a pleasure to meet you and have the good fortune to travel with you.  Costa Rica was a wonderful trip made all the better to have such good company.

Hope to see you again on a future trip,

Kindest regards


  • (Member)
Hi Gillian

Just trying to remember you and I think I know who you are. Yes, Costa Rica was wonderful and the trip brings back some lovely memories. Thinking about it and the adventures we had brings a smile to my face every time. Enjoy your flight with Jet Airways and have a great time. Hopefully our paths will cross again on another Just You trip.

