  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Assuming and hoping that all will be OK in spite of the recent hurricane.

I was wondering how many will be on this tour, and is anyone else going via Birmingham instead of Gatwick. If so, it may be worth meeting up before the change of flight in Paris.


  • (Member)
'lizbo' wrote:

Assuming and hoping that all will be OK in spite of the recent hurricane.

I was wondering how many will be on this tour, and is anyone else going via Birmingham instead of Gatwick. If so, it may be worth meeting up before the change of flight in Paris.


Hi Lizbo,

I'm going on this trip. Assuming you mean the cigars and salsa one. There's been info about it on other threads, I gather there are 11 of us going. I believe it's anticipated that the tour will still be going ahead, I have been in email contact with JY. I'm going from Manchester so look forward to meeting you in Paris! Happy to exchange e mail addresses with you so we can chat in advance, but not sure of what the protocol is on the forum about doing this. Perhaps admin could advise. 



Good Morning Sharon,

If Lizbo would like to provide their email address then they will need to state this on the thread.

If this is fine to go ahead, then I will email you both privately and exchange your email addresses.

Kindest Regards,


matthew tremlett
im on this trip to I'm happy to give my email.
matthew tremlett
well my email is ************* (removed for privacy protection)
matthew tremlett
i dont mind if my email is shared to people on my tour
  • (Member)
Hi Matthew, I'm happy to exchange email addresses with you if admin would like to organise. Sharon
Hi Matthew,

I had to remove your email address from the JY Community due to privacy protection issues.

However, I will forward your email address onto anybody who would like to see it if they request it.

Kindest Regards,


'Sweep' wrote:

Hi Matthew, I'm happy to exchange email addresses with you if admin would like to organise. Sharon

Hi Sharon,

I will email Matthew your email address since you now have his.

Kindest Regards,
