(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just received my copy of the 2018 brochure. I see on page 5 many of the users of the Forum appear in the group picture taken in Namibia. Brings back many happy memories.
  • (Member)
A 2018 brochure?????. I didn't think such a thing existed. More confusion.

Amy/Julia - can you explain please.

Many thanks

  • (Member)
Whoop how great for you, don't let I go to our head Roger LOL


Well spotted Rog - I flicked through and hadn't noticed! I suspect our appearance is due to the rather talented photographer (Yvette) who took it rather than those of us in it!

On a similar vein on both the front cover of this brochure and also on a recent advert I noticed for JY the group pictured is not representative of the JY clientele. My experience over the last few years is that the average age is getting a lot younger. I wonder how many potential customers would be put off seeing a group who all appear to be more like a Saga holiday than what the reality of a JY holiday. Before I get shouted at for being ageist I have absolutely no issues with travelling with people a lot older than me - I have had so many laughs with all ages and the most outrageous people I encountered were both in their mid nineties! I simply think that JY is potentially missing out on the younger market by advertising this way.

  • (Member)

Having quickly flicked through the latest much slimmer brochure - yes I know the river cruises are in a separate brochure.  I have noticed one glaring omission from my point of view.  No Cambodia trip.  As I have booked this for the November 2018 departure can you confirm that this an error and the trips for October and November next year will still run?

Many thanks

Angie S
Well said Sally. I agree with everything you say. I just thought that the other day the pics just don't reflect what tours are actually like and if I did not know better I would be off put. In saying that one of the people on my most recent tour I particularly got on with was 79 so I'm certainly not ageist either.


I suspect JY could be targeting the grey pound. I've  done 13 JY tours, and although the age range is starting lower, and, l'm getting older, I would still say that 50%of travellers are still in the fifty plus age range. It does say something that us oldies still choose to travel with JY when at least two other companies specifically target the  "mature", ie over fifty travellers.
  • (Member)
'jonah' wrote:


Having quickly flicked through the latest much slimmer brochure - yes I know the river cruises are in a separate brochure.  I have noticed one glaring omission from my point of view.  No Cambodia trip.  As I have booked this for the November 2018 departure can you confirm that this an error and the trips for October and November next year will still run?

Many thanks

Hi Jonah,

This tour is still available - we just couldn't fit over 200 tours into the mailing.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Thanks for the response Julia and that is good to hear although I understand that this holiday could still be cancelled next year if numbers are not enough.

However, if 'you can't fit all the tours in' then why publish at all? So if it isn't in the brochure that doesn't mean that it has been 'rested'?  Mongolia isn't in the brochure despite having only done two tours, on looking at the website it has disappeared. 

It seems to me from this response and other replies that I have seen on the various threads regarding the  'new' brochure and holidays for 2018, that JY are pushing customers to the website for information.  That is not suitable for all customers and a strange step when as many others have said your competitors are producing large glossy brochures.  If it is a cost cutting measure then as has already been said stop producing the constant flyers during the year which just fill up my recycling bag.

As a further point, if you are pushing us to the website then make sure that the website is up to date, the payment option works, we can book online - last time I tried I couldn't.  Despite many conversations with Amy (who was very helpful) I still can't see all my holidays in Manage my Bookings.

I am sorry Amy and Julia but I think you are in a no win position on this one.

I hope you have a good weekend


Sally, interesting point re targeted age range. I went to a JY focus group in London about 3/4 years ago - it was just before they started their city breaks and they were mainly covering our opinions on their plans for these trips (not really an area I'm interested in so a bit lost on me - I can organise my own trip to Florence or wherever).

But, I'm nosy so, I did ask about age range they targeted their holidays at and average age of a JY traveller. I was told that average age was 62. +That their expectation when they set up JY was that most customers would be 50+ - as they had the time and the money.

But does seem a lot of stuff marketed at the very old. So self fulfilling outcome. I don't necessarily mean this in terms of actual age but more of outlook. We had 4 people of 80+ on my Burma trip and it was a sixty-something man who was the most elderly. And then there's the new cruise brochure ..... If it looks as if it's a tour group for older people that's who will book.

I was hoping getting into skiing might help with the perception.


I just wonder how all you youngsters know what Saga customers look like?
  • (Member)
Whilst looking through the 'new' catalogue, I noticed that there is a change of hotels for Auckland and Wellington for Breathtaking New Zealand next year in March onwards. For our trip next month, are we with the original ones?


Hi Sarah, I'm someone who's been on a Saga holiday and enjoyed it Qualified for Saga for some time. But I do like groups with a wide range and JY's marketing would put me off if I was still in my forties (or younger) which is a shame. I agree JY seem to be targeting the grey pound.


Angie S
I don't know what a Saga customer looks like - I've never done one of their tours. I do know what a JY tour looks like and it's nothing like many of the contrived marketing pictures they use that are not of real JY customers. I know JY are not the only company that does this (the company I work for does it - the staff are obviously not photogenic enough!) and I do know the reason they do it. But it just does not give a true picture, that's all.

Roger, that a good picture of you and all your group. JY should stick to these - real live people.

'katy1717' wrote:

Sally, interesting point re targeted age range.  I went to a JY focus group in London about 3/4 years ago - it was just before they started their city breaks and they were mainly covering our opinions on their plans for these trips (not really an area I'm interested in so a bit lost on me - I can organise my own trip to Florence or wherever).

But, I'm nosy so, I did ask about age range they targeted their holidays at and average age of a JY traveller.  I was told that average age was 62.  +That their expectation when they set up JY was that most customers would be 50+ - as they had the time and the money.

But does seem a lot of stuff marketed at the very old. So self fulfilling outcome.  I don't necessarily mean this in terms of actual age but more of outlook.  We had 4 people of 80+ on my Burma trip and it was a sixty-something man who was the most elderly.  And then there's the new cruise brochure .....  If it looks as if it's a tour group for older people that's who will book.  

I was hoping getting into skiing might help with the perception.


But surely the whole point is that JY is a holiday company for solo travellers, and there aren't any others (that I have found) who cater for a variety of holidays/ages. If the brochure showed loads of much younger people, I wouldn't have booked, fearing that I would be resented. I am in my mid-60's, a widow, and going abroad on my own for the first time. I need the reassurance and company that group travel will provide. Friends my age still have their partners, so my holiday options are limited. 

Your comment about being able to organise your own city break speaks volumes - I am sure I could do the same. However, I (and possibly a lot of other 'older people'), would lack the confidence to BE on my own in a foreign city, but I do still want a bit of adventure in my life......!

'L00Susanna00' wrote:

'katy1717' wrote:

Sally, interesting point re targeted age range.  I went to a JY focus group in London about 3/4 years ago - it was just before they started their city breaks and they were mainly covering our opinions on their plans for these trips (not really an area I'm interested in so a bit lost on me - I can organise my own trip to Florence or wherever).

But, I'm nosy so, I did ask about age range they targeted their holidays at and average age of a JY traveller.  I was told that average age was 62.  +That their expectation when they set up JY was that most customers would be 50+ - as they had the time and the money.

But does seem a lot of stuff marketed at the very old. So self fulfilling outcome.  I don't necessarily mean this in terms of actual age but more of outlook.  We had 4 people of 80+ on my Burma trip and it was a sixty-something man who was the most elderly.  And then there's the new cruise brochure .....  If it looks as if it's a tour group for older people that's who will book.  

I was hoping getting into skiing might help with the perception.


But surely the whole point is that JY is a holiday company for solo travellers, and there aren't any others (that I have found) who cater for a variety of holidays/ages. If the brochure showed loads of much younger people, I wouldn't have booked, fearing that I would be resented. I am in my mid-60's, a widow, and going abroad on my own for the first time. I need the reassurance and company that group travel will provide. Friends my age still have their partners, so my holiday options are limited. 

Your comment about being able to organise your own city break speaks volumes - I am sure I could do the same. However, I (and possibly a lot of other 'older people'), would lack the confidence to BE on my own in a foreign city, but I do still want a bit of adventure in my life......!

hi Susanna, think part of what I'm trying to say (probably badly) is that the brochures don't show ANY younger people.  So don't seem to cater for all ages. So if I was in my 40s I'd avoid JY.

'janib' wrote:

Whilst looking through the 'new' catalogue, I noticed that there is a change of hotels for Auckland and Wellington for Breathtaking New Zealand next year in March onwards. For our trip next month, are we with the original ones?


Good Morning Jan,

I have forwarded your query onto the Overseas Services department who will answer your question.

I will get back to you once I have found out this information.

Kind Regards,


  • (Member)
Thank you Amy. Rang up today to book my excursions. Thank you to the lady I spoke with. I did try yesterday at 15.30 (Sunday) Was told when I had listened to all the spiel that you were closed!!!!!! Very annoying at the time.


'janib' wrote:

Whilst looking through the 'new' catalogue, I noticed that there is a change of hotels for Auckland and Wellington for Breathtaking New Zealand next year in March onwards. For our trip next month, are we with the original ones?


Good Afternoon Jan,

For this tour we have the group listed as staying in the Crowne Plaza Auckland.

Kind Regards,


  • (Member)
Thank you Amy for the update. Guess we will have all the details soon as it is only 25 days and counting 😉 
