Jeanette J
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello all.After constantly looking on line and in the brochure I finally contacted the company for a chat.feeling reassured I have booked for my first solo trip .always wanted to go to Thailand so chose that.The world is an exciting place and I want to continue to see it so now have something to look forward to in the depths of winter.thanks for your posts ,it gave me confidence to book.
  • (Member)
Delighted to hear it Jeanette, the Thailand tour looks great and it's on my list as I've visited most of SE Asia by now.  Hope you have a great time!



'Jeanette J' wrote:

Hello all.After constantly looking on line and in the brochure I finally contacted the company for a chat.feeling reassured I have booked for my first solo trip .always wanted to go to Thailand so chose that.The world is an exciting place and I want to continue to see it so now have something to look forward to in the depths of winter.thanks for your posts ,it gave me confidence to book.

Well done Jeannette.  I booked my first JY holiday in 2010 and am up to over 20 holidays now, so you've got a lot of catching up to do!  And, there are other travellers who have done more than me.

Have a great holiday.


  • (Member)
Hi again,

To follow on from Sylvia's post there is apparently a lady who has done 70 JY tours - I heard this from someone who had been on the same tour as her!  So we all have a lot of catching up to do...and the fact that there are so many JY veterans around shows how good the holidays are, so hopefully that will encourage you further!

Happy days...


Jeanette J
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks all.I have spent all my adult life as part of a couple so travelling alone is a new life after losing my husband.hope to see some oif you lovely people on my travels.Great to have your supportive messages!