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Hi everyone, I've booked myself onto this holiday and it's my first time with JustYou. I'm nervous, but also excited at the same time. I've always wanted to go to New England so I've bitten the bullet and gone for it.

I've seen other threads relating to the many different holidays that JustYou offer but can't see any for this specific one. Has anyone else booked onto this, or been before that can shed some light please.

Thank you in advance


I did this trip in 2013 when itinerary was slightly different. I really enjoyed this holiday and would do it again. Boston is a lovely city be I would recommend the Cape Cod trip. New,England lived up to expectations as did Canada. Niagara Falls are well worth a visit

Hope this helps


Hi Sue

I went on this tour last September and I wrote day by day review. 


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'lesley07' wrote:


I did this trip in 2013 when itinerary was slightly different. I really enjoyed this holiday and would do it again. Boston is a lovely city be I would recommend the Cape Cod trip. New,England lived up to expectations as did Canada. Niagara Falls are well worth a visit

Hope this helps


Thank you Lesley. Boston was my original choice but then I found this which does so much more. I'm treating it as a 'once in a life time experience' but you never know, I may get the travel bug. 

I've booked to go up the CNN tower but didn't go for the Cape Cod excursion. Guess I can always contact JY if I change my mind?

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'jthinch' wrote:

Hi Sue

I went on this tour last September and I wrote day by day review. 


That's great, thank you James. Lots of early starts!

Hi Sue, I was one of the Tour Managers in 2016 for this tour and it is amazing.  The fall colours are beautiful and I am sure you will enjoy it no end.  The two groups I had were Just You and they all got on really well.

If you read James review it will give you a good insight.  There are early starts but these are needed to get the most from the tour.  CN Tower is a must, as the views of Toronto are great.

Have a wonderful time when it comes.


  • (Member)
hi sue,

i did this tour in 2015 i believe! wow has gone so fast! its slightly changed from when i went. sadly when was at cape cod we had the tail end of the hurricane but would love to go there again! boston was lovely! also toronto!

im jealous i hope you have a wonderful trip
