  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi there

I'm new to the forum.  Is any one going on the holiday Jersey island of flowers.  This is the one from 23 April.  

Would love to hear from you ?

  • (Member)
Hi Lucia

Welcome to the Community!

I'm not going on the trip because I already live here (in Jersey, that is!) but I'm happy to help if you've got any questions.

All the best


  • (Member)
Hi Lucia

I too am not going on this trip as have been to Jersey in the past. I highly recommend this trip as Jersey is a beautiful Island.


'AELB' wrote:

Hi Lucia

Welcome to the Community!

I'm not going on the trip because I already live here (in Jersey, that is!) but I'm happy to help if you've got any questions.

All the best


Hi Lucia welcome to the forum.  

Like Mandy, i'm already in Jersey as well. You will have a great time, there is much to see and do that a week will not seem long enough!  - maybe I am a little bias. 


PS. Another Bean on the forum!

Hi Lucia, I lived and worked in the Hospital on Jersey for many years .... wonderful memories .... great times, You will love it.
Hi Lucia

I visited Jersey last April with JY. It's a great trip and most of us thought we would have liked to spend a bit longer in Guernsey. The trip to St Malo was awful as the sea was very choppy and it rained! The chef in Norfolk Lodge provided excellent dinners and came out to speak to the JY diners each night.

Not many travellers use the forum so you might not get a response from your fellow travellers.

Have a great trip.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi there

Is anyone going on the Jersey island of flowers (23 April), staying in the travel lodge (holes bay road, near the station) on 22 April. If so, let me know as I'm looking to book a taxi to the ferry port. We can then share this.

Hello All,  I am the Tour Manager for this trip to Jersey.  It is a wonderful island with hidden treasures, some of which we will be able to see in our short time there.

If anyone would like to ask any questions, please feel free to do so.

I am travelling by Condor Ferrries Seacat with a number of you so I won't be at the Hotel until approximately 16.30, but the Norfolk Lodge Hotel staff will look after those of you who are flying, until I arrive.

Look forward to meeting you all.


  • (Member)

Jersey is such a small island - years ago some PAs were treated to a day trip with British Airways and we managed to see almost everything besides having a lovely lunch - I think it was at the Grand hotel but I can't really remember. After this day trip, I was on holiday in Jersey within weeks (holiday was booked before the day trip was offered) and found myself visiting a lot of places again. I went on holiday in Jersey the year the first Jurassic Park movie came out - I saw that movie in Jersey! Since then I have been to Jersey a few times but only for business trips.


Jersey may be such a small island, but you certainly cannot see and appreciate it properly during the time that the tour allows. I can guarantee that you will be back, because the four full days, sorry two days you spend on Jersey wont be enough, you need at least a week to visit all the places.

If any one from JY was taking notes, Drop the Guernsey day trip and have its as an optional add at the end on for a couple of days. The same ferry that takes you back and forth from Poole stops in Guernsey on the way - it takes you there on the day trip as well so should be easy to arrange and combine the two, and you would also get the opportunity to visit Sark and St Malo.

Lucia, a little tip in case you see this. I don't know how your sea legs are, but the crossing between the islands can get rough and very choppy especially between the two islands. If you have one of those wristbands or tablets take them with you. and bag yourselves some genuine jersey royals to take home they have just come into season.