  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
For those going on this trip with the China add on, there was an article in the Sunday Express travel section this week about the Great Wall and specifically the part we are visiting.  Check out the toboggan descent!!!
gill matt
Anyone going on this trip. I am now going in August, as June was cancelled. I live on the Beautiful Isle Of Wight, so If anyone else is going form here or Portsmouth, maybe we can share transport. Or any tips than I can take with me. I love exploring, so this is hopefully going to be a great holiday.

Cannot wait Gill isle of wight.

gill matt
:cool:  Anybody else going on this trip, and maybe can share travel from Portsmouth to Heathrow?

      I live on the Isle Of Wight, maybe someone else is going from here?
