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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Good morning allĀ  šŸ™‚

I've been on a number of package holidays on my own, but last year's holiday was just horrendously lonely and I'd resigned myself to not having a holiday in 2017 as I couldn't bare the thought of the loneliness again.Ā Ā 

Having no idea that there were tour operators who catered for the solo traveller I was overjoyed when I stumbled acrossĀ this site, and I've already booked my first Escape - to Pompeii, Sorrento and the Bay of Naples - departing on 13 September. Ā 

My birthday falls while I'm away and I'm hoping it'll be a birthday to remember this year. Ā Visiting Pompeii and Herculaneum have always been an ambition and I'm so happy that I'm now in a position to treat myself to this amazing holiday.

I'm already thinking about what the next trip will be, and looking forward to meeting my fellow travellers, and maybe even making some good friends while we're away.

Happy travels to you allĀ  šŸ˜ƒ

Hi CarolineF,

Like you I have travelled extensively on my own and it can get lonely, particularly at mealtimes. I've been on 2 JY trips now (New Zealand and South Africa/Zambia) and can't recommend them enough. It's great to be around like minded people and to have someone to experience the wonderful sights and sounds of a new country with is lovely. I've met some fantastic people on the tours. Don't forget that you can do as much or as little as you like with the group and always have your own room to get some quiet time.

I really hope you enjoy your trip to Italy - if you make it across to Capri I recommend doing the chairlift, the views from the top are breathtaking.

  • (Member)
Welcome Caroline.

I hope you enjoy your trip and definitely have a birthday to remember.

Best wishes

  • (Member)
Hi Caroline

Welcome to the Community!

Great choice for your first booking! If you put 'Pompeii' in the search function at the top right of the page, you'll find loads of reviews, hints and tips from other JYers who have done the trip and (like me!) thoroughly recommend it. (I agree with Jellifer - the Capri chair lift is great fun and they serve the best freshly made granita at the top!)

I was there in September 2015 - and also celebrated my birthday while on the trip. I can't promise that you will have the same experience as me, but let's just say my 'big day' was memorable thanks to the sneaky plans of theĀ Hotel andĀ our fab TM Michelle - my lovely new friends in our group and I got to enjoy a freshly baked chocolate birthday cake on top of Mount Vesuvius :D

Happy to help if you've got any other questions once you've read all the reviews.

All the best
