  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I know it's all very 11th hour but only one more sleep (tonight) then it's off to Canada - yippee! I've never been away with Just You before but am confident it'll be a positive experience.

I was hoping the Tour Manger, or anyone else, could advise it it's best to bring walking boots as well as just "normal" trainers. I was thinking of the Edith Cavell Nature Walk in particular.

Many thanks.

Hi Pinkerton,

It isn't necessary to bring walking boots but if you wish to take them, you most definitely can.

I wish you an amazing trip!

Kind Regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Pinkerton

This is a fab tour and you will have an amazing time.

I did the Edith Cavell and the paths are very well maintained but personally I would say yes to walking boots - they are also handy if you do the Athabascar glacier trip.

If you do the Edith Cavell hike at dusk like we did, I would also suggest covering yourself in mozzie repellent from head to foot before you leave the hotel because there can be multitudes of the little devils up there! (It's also a very zig-zag road up to the drop off point on the mountain so, if you tend to get even the slightest bit motion sick, I would recommend popping a seasick tablet to be on the safe side)

All the best


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Mandy,

Thanks a million for the advice - much appreciated. Good thing i remembered to buy insect repellent at the weekend too! I hope i enjoy it as much as you obviously did, i'm sure i will.



  • (Member)
I guess we will all be at the airport before this appears on the forum. Looking st the traffic to Heathrow this morning, I'll have to set off at 7,am.

I am taking walking shoes, rather than heavy boots, which I am pretty sure should be good enough.

Mosquitos are the bane of my holidays. If they get me, I get a really bad reaction. I still have the marks from three bites i got in the Lake District this July. I think we need a buddy system to remind each other to spray repellent.!