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Ultimate South Africa Whale Watching Departure with Zambia Add on 2 September 2016

I know it is a Travelsphere tour but I am wondering if any of the single (or other) travellers on this trip are reading this? Would be good to catch up with some of you. I understand there are 12 of us doing the main tour plus add on, but don't know how many additional travellers are just on the main tour. However I was told today that the tour manager is Alison Bisset - I have not travelled with her before but I am aware she also does Just You trips. 

I chose this trip rather than the JY one as I wanted whale watching plus the chance to visit the Zulu homelands. Waiting on the available excursions so I can decide what I can fit in - not much time in Zambia which is a shame.

I have worked my way through lots of the reviews and other threads on South Africa - thanks for all the info and tips - getting to the "can't wait" stage now  🙂

  • (Member)
Hi Kedi,

As you know I did the JY South Africa and Zambia tour in September 2011 and it remains my favourite tour still!  I know you will have a wonderful time with the fantastic scenery, food and wildlife!  Please do write a review when you get back!  Although my tour wasn't specifically a "whale watching" one, we did stop off at Hermanus and saw some whales from the shore - I am sure you will get a lot closer than we did!

All the best,


Julie White
Hi Kedi,

You will have an amazing time. I went with Alison to Japan and she is very good.


Regards Julie

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bob and Julie 

Thanks for your replies - trying not to get too excited! Picked up malaria tablets today and looked at some new camera bits and a smaller iPad 🙂 - if only clothes packing :s  was so easy! Borneo was so jungle casual - must admit I did mostly go jungly in Singapore too - think I may need a slightly different selection for SA! Why do I do hot holidays? - Polar Bear clothing is where I am most comfy!!!!!

Don't know if you have seen it already but there is an 8 week series shot in Sepilok on Animal Planet showing on Thursday evenings - can't watch it as I only have basic channels! It features Peanut amongst its stars - the young Orang Utan I have sponsored for my friend who will be visiting him next June! Thanks again Julie for your help in securing the little OU in Sandakan which went as part of the present! 

Still hopeful of finding a fellow traveller to chat to on the forum before 2 September - I do want to visit Robben Island but would prefer some company - like some other forum users I don't understand why this is not offered as an optional excursion…..

Ah well - back to the Olympics!

  • (Member)
Hi Diane

Enjoy your trip. I am counting the days to my trip. Have now purchased the new camera I was after - Panasonic TZ70, which has 30x zoom - much better than my current Panasonic Lumix 6x zoom. Hope the cost is worth it and I get great photos in South Africa and Zambia. Have not had much time to 'play' around with it, but hope to find time to get to learn at least the basics. Have also purchased a spare battery and will make sure both are fully charged. The only thing I don't like about the new camera is that it charges the battery whilst it is in the camera - the old camera had a separate charger. I guess this solves the problem of not having to carry a charger, just the AC adapter! I look forward to reading your review. Will be when I am back as I fly out on 13 September.


Julie White
Hello 1981Kedi,

Thank you for message about the Sepilok centre on Animal planet I have set my planner. I will look out for Peanuts.

When I went to South Africa most of the time it was pretty casual just a few occasions when a smarter outfit was needed. You will be fine.

Enjoy the whale watching it should be an amazing experience



I have the TX80, model. So far I've  been very pleased with the results  which for on screen viewing compare very well to heavier dlsr cameras.  Mostly on tours I find there often isn't time to do more than point and shoot.    The auto programme  worked well for me in Vietnam and on my recent river cruise.  Happy snapping

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya

Glad you got your camera sorted. It should give you great shots - I use auto on my camera most of the time! Do take the time to practice using the zoom and also taking very close close-ups of insects and flowers.

This time in 2 weeks I will be stuck on the M25 wishing I had caught an earlier coach!! :rolleyes:  Still not had any contact from Travelsphere travellers so will just look forward to meeting them in person.

Have both the DK South Africa and the DK Cape Town and Winelands Top 10 books to read - I choose DK cos I like the pictures! The South Africa has quite an extensive illustrated wildlife section so I will probably pack both! Something to read at my lonely dinner table or to save my place at breakfast  🙂

I may post something before you leave on your trip (I once posted from a moving coach in the USA!) - watch for the Orang Utan! Maybe I'll change it for an elephant or lion or ……………….

  • (Member)
Hi Sarah

I did see the 80 model but decided to go for TZ70. I am planning to use the auto programme most of the time so am sure will be fine though a colleague at work has offered to show me some quick tips. I have taken up her offer and will take the camera to work when I go back on Tuesday 30 August as am on holiday next week.
