  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello to anyone on the forum who is going on this holiday, just four weeks on Friday! I'm travelling down from Birmingham by car on the day before, and staying at the Radisson Blu overnight. If anyone would like to meet up for a meal that would be great.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



  • (Member)
Hey Mike,

I hope you and the rest of the group have a fantastic time on this tour - it looks wonderful!  Please do write a full review on your return.  I am sure I am not the only one who would be very interested to read it, as you know I'm strongly thinking of this tour for next year!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hi Mike

I hope you have an amazing time in Russia (and are not planning to take any 'mind altering' drugs that require notarizing!!)

Looking forward to seeing the photo of you and Vladimir Putin in your matching cowboy hats :)

All the best


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Will do Bob. I can't guarantee that the review will be up to your standard but I'll do my best!

Hope that the advice I gave to your personal email address regarding application for a Russian Federation visa was helpful, and that Margaret at Russia House was able to answer any further questions you had.

Julia solved the mystery of the accommodation voucher for me today. Apparently it was part of the letter of invitation (in Russian) that I handed in with my application form at the visa centre in London!

In UK, the Russian Embassy has handed over responsibility for issuing of visas to vfsglobal, hence 3 application centres here in UK. I don't think that's the case in Ireland so you would send all your documents to the Russian Embassy with no personal visit required.



  • (Member)
Hi Mike,

Many thanks again for your email and advice - I emailed Margaret at Russia House at the same time as I put up a forum post to Julia and top marks to Julia - she answered my questions very promptly whereas I'm still awaiting a reply from Margaret!!  Yes it looks like JY will provide all the docs I need, so I think it's just a matter of filling in the application form online, printing it out and bringing it with the letter of invitation I'll receive from JY along to the Russian Embassy in Dublin and, fingers crossed, all should be well.  That is providing I book the tour!  I'm still caught between it (and presuming JY put up dates for 2017) and the Athens tour for Sept next year.  I'll have to wait and see what the new brochure brings next month...



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mandy,

Don't plan on taking any mind altering drugs with me, although I could think of a few people who might suggest that I need them!

Me and Putin in cowboy hats? - now there's a challenge! I'll take my Stetson from Texas and see what I can do!

Anyway, great to hear from you and I'll have to bully Bob and Sally into agreeing to a reunion in Jersey sometime. It's been years since I was there so could be fun.



  • (Member)
Hi Mike, a trip to Jersey sounds like fun - I've never been!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Well, Gentlemen, if you decide to take a trip to the Little Island (technically 'island hopping' in Bob's case!) you and Sally would be very welcome.

I can't offer to put you up as I have no guest rooms but there are several decent hotels and guest houses within walking distance of the beach (and my place) that I could suggest.

I'll certainly be more than happy to provide you with the full 'Le Boutillier Island Tour' experience with my trusty friend Tupac (he's a Citroen C1 but a little bit Gangsta...). We've also got plenty of superb restaurants and watering holes to tempt you with, but I'm making no promises about the quality of our wi-fi for Sally!

I'm pretty sure there are summer flights from Dublin and Cork for Bob and year round services from Belfast Intl. I also think Flybe do a daily flight from Birmingham, Mike.

Let me know if you're seriously thinking about it and I'll start putting the flags out!

All the best


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
It's very good of you to arrange the flags Mandy.- I think a visit from Bob, Sally and myself would also be deserving of a few blue plaques after we've left!

By the way, a visit to Mr Putin isn't on JY's itinerary (I checked!) but that hasn't put me off having a crack at your challenge, although Photoshop may be involved if that isn't regarded as cheating!

Now, where are all these people booked on the Russia holiday in September?



  • (Member)

Jersey is a lovely Island. I had a week's holiday there years ago (the year when the first Dinosaur movie came out!) and before the week's holiday I enjoyed a day trip to Jersey courtesy of British Airways with a few other secretaries. This trip was arranged by our business travel bookers. We saw the whole Island in a day! I was seeing the same things when I went for my holiday. I would also recommend a trip to Guernsey. Since then I have travelled to Jersey a few times for business trips. Just working and no time to see anything! Whilst on Business trips I stayed at Pomme d'Or as it is right next door to the offices. I was hoping to try the Grand, but have not had any reason to travel to Jersey for a while.
