(Member) (Topic Starter)
:D Hello i would like to know if anyone else is going to China over Christmas and the New Year it would be great to say hello to a few new faces . This is my first time with Just For You although i have been to China before liked it so much that i am back for more. I know that it is early days yet but it would be great to know how many people are actually going. :D
  • (Member)
I went on this tour last Christmas. Enjoyed it. It was freezing cold with temp of -5 and -9 but that didn't dampen our enthusiasm. There were times when our fingers were numb while taking the photos, especially in Beiging. You will need layers of clothes and proper foot ware. According to my Fitbit, I walked 89 miles in 14 days and walked 135,230 steps.

We were fed and watered well, I am vegetarian but had at least 12-15 items at every meal. All the hotels were excellent and had 'our' sockets so no problem with charging the phone etc, except the hotel in Shanghai.

You will enjoy the tour.
