  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone, seeing as we haven't been given any hints regarding new JY tours for next year, I've been playing detective on the website!  Look what I've found!!!

A brilliant tour of lesser known parts of China, with a trip to Tibet: 

A fabulous tour of the Philippines - I will have to think long and hard about this one! 

A new tour of the western US states: 

A Singapore city break: 

A winter Rockies experience: 

As well as the stunning new Chile tour I discovered yesterday: 

I would love to do nearly all of these (although I'll be seeing the sights of Singapore at the end of this month!) but there are too many to do in just one year - so come on JY folks, get booking and make these tours a success so I can do them in the years ahead!!!!!



  • (Member)
The secret is officially out! Well spotted Bob!
  • (Member)
These tours look fabulous but sadly most are outside my budget.  One I have spotted though is Best of Barbados which is very tempting.
These look great, but - so far - the Chile trip still seems to be the star (for me). 

Bob, I don't know how you find these, nor where you find the time to do the detective work - and I though I was obsessed with travel.


  • (Member)
I had to buy some lottery tickets for the rollover this week because I want to do all of them! I have no idea which trip to choose. I already had a list of about 15 trips from the last brochure and now I want to do Tibet, Easter Island, Antarctica and the Philippines too!  :huh:
Angie S
Well done Bob. You should really get a job with JY!

For the last few weeks on a daily basis I've been putting in Tib in the destination search ... never thought Tibet would come under Roo ... Roof of the World! I reckon Tibet in May is the one for me. I said not too long ago I hoped it would make a new and improved come back.

I still really want to do Nepal in November 2017 or is it a bit similar to doing Tibet? Or should I do the Philippines or Colombia and mix things up a bit.

I know someone who has travelled extensively through Asia and he says the Philippines is right up there at the top of his favourite list. Colombia I would like to get the opportunity to visit just in case this tour doesn't have a long shelf life and the opportunity is lost. Check out the cloud forest and those 60 metre palm trees and the colourful mountain villages.

Oh the decisions ... I hate you JY! (well done on these new tours as Antarctica and Chile are outwith what I'm prepared to budget but may be one day).

Tibet in May is a def for me. And Guilin included too!!

Yours excited,


well here are the views from the abbadave camp

all these tours look wonderful I only wish I had the money to do them all and if I ever won the lottery I doubt i'd be in this country much, I love the sound of the short A winter Rockies experience which could become a reality as not much time needed off work, I also like the look of the Philippines tour and certainly the Chile tour sounds wonderful though the other tour to Chile looks more within my budget and work schedule, never really been interested in China for some reason but naturally i'd still love to go but have other destinations ahead of that, the us western tour done twice once with Travelsphere in 1989 and with Archers ( not arranged by myself this one I might add ) in 2000 so done most on that tour and of course we're doing Singapore after Borneo soon

so many tours to slip in along with Namibia Costa Rica Colombia Nepal Antarctica amongst many many others knowing I will never get them all in but i'm sure we'll all have a jolly good try! people keep saying to me you don't do anything normal do you, no I don't I cannot sit on a beach in Lanzarote or Crete lol and ha ha when I read through my borneo itinerary on my tablet in a hotel room last weekend ( we were in Birmingham for a Dixie Chicks concert ) I read to my mates 'morning of leisure' 'afternoon at leisure' oh I don't do leisure I told them, I love it full on but really that little bit of leisure time comes in jolly handy though even then I end up wasting that time on sorting my suitcase out etc

many decisions to be made I think perhaps put em all into a pot and see which one you draw out!!!



  • (Member)
I am waiting patiently for the new brochure since I never have time to browse the website and hope I get it before I fly out for the Borneo trip.


  • (Member)
Hi All,

Top tip -if you want to check on the new tours (especially long haul ones) quickly, go to the Home Page, don't put destination in or type of holiday, just put a range of dates, i.e. Feb17-Nov.17 and go to the last page (Page 11 currently) and work back. Magic!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Katy, I was waiting for stuff to print so decided to use the time productively!

Hi Angie, I'd love to work for JY if the T&Cs were right but I don't think they'd want me!!

I presume some new European tours will be added in the coming days as well?!



PS I'm very glad that this news has made some people as excited as I am - the only thing is I think I'm going to have to wait until 2018 to do any of them - fingers crossed they are successful so I get the chance to do some of them!!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Hils - that is exactly what I did!!



  • (Member)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi everyone, seeing as we haven't been given any hints regarding new JY tours for next year, I've been playing detective on the website!  Look what I've found!!!

A brilliant tour of lesser known parts of China, with a trip to Tibet: 

A fabulous tour of the Philippines - I will have to think long and hard about this one! 

A new tour of the western US states: 

A Singapore city break: 

A winter Rockies experience: 

As well as the stunning new Chile tour I discovered yesterday: 

I would love to do nearly all of these (although I'll be seeing the sights of Singapore at the end of this month!) but there are too many to do in just one year - so come on JY folks, get booking and make these tours a success so I can do them in the years ahead!!!!!



You missed one Bob- Mauritius!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mark - no I didn't!!  Mauritius is on offer for this year!!



Great work Bob. China and Tibet are really appealing  for me. I hope this one takes off, I was hoping to do an earlier tour including Tibet,  but it was cancelled. Did anyone on the tour that did  run  write a review, or make any comments on it.
'SarahS' wrote:

Great work Bob. China and Tibet are really appealing  for me. I hope this one takes off, I was hoping to do an earlier tour including Tibet,  but it was cancelled. Did anyone on the tour that did  run  write a review, or make any comments on it.

 Hi Sarah,

I did the Land of the Dragon ( China & Tibet) last May and it was a fantastic, so much so I was considering booking the new one for next year but then I also quite fancy the Philippines and the Chile & Patagonia one as well - as always too many places on my to see list and not enough holiday time (or funds) from work!

Anything specific you'd like to know about China/Tibet tour?  Just ask!  You will love it its a full on tour, although Tibet was a bit slower paced because of the altitude, it was still felt like we packed loads in- even climbing a set of stairs will put you out of breath!


  • (Member)
Hello Bob,

Thank you for the headsup. Really fancy the West America tour as it covers all the places that my late husband went to when working for Land Rover back in the 90's. So many ticks as well 🙂  Not had my new catalogue yet to peruse :huh: 


'jacq27' wrote:

'SarahS' wrote:

Great work Bob. China and Tibet are really appealing  for me. I hope this one takes off, I was hoping to do an earlier tour including Tibet,  but it was cancelled. Did anyone on the tour that did  run  write a review, or make any comments on it.

 Hi Sarah,

I did the Land of the Dragon ( China & Tibet) last May and it was a fantastic, so much so I was considering booking the new one for next year but then I also quite fancy the Philippines and the Chile & Patagonia one as well - as always too many places on my to see list and not enough holiday time (or funds) from work!

Anything specific you'd like to know about China/Tibet tour?  Just ask!  You will love it its a full on tour, although Tibet was a bit slower paced because of the altitude, it was still felt like we packed loads in- even climbing a set of stairs will put you out of breath!


Thank you  I've still got two possibley three trips in mind for this year, then Burma next February.  If I did Tibet, it would be the  September departure but I need to research the likely   weather  first.

'SarahS' wrote:

Great work Bob. China and Tibet are really appealing  for me. I hope this one takes off, I was hoping to do an earlier tour including Tibet,  but it was cancelled. Did anyone on the tour that did  run  write a review, or make any comments on it.

Hi Sarah

I too did the Land of the Dragon China/Tibet tour last year and I did write a review covering the whole holiday when we got back but it was never put on to the forum, I would like to think it was because the other dates had been cancelled and not because of what I had written!  

From a quick look at the new itinerary it has changed from last year's tour which was longer in total, it's such a shame because that was a great tour and I am so glad I grabbed the chance to do it when it was there.  I think now is the time to go to Tibet as I think it is changing fast, I just hope the Tibetan people manage to hold on to some of their old culture but I fear they are fighting a losing battle.   

Like Jacqueline I would love to go back, for me, just to get back into Tibet, but at the moment I'm counting the pennies in my piggy bank as Chile, Patagonia and Easter Island are beckoning me, do I splash out or don't I? And of course, looking ahead, there is always the September brochure to look forward to, what will that have in store for us? Decisions, decisions!


  • (Member)
I received the new brochure on Monday and now have even a longer list of places to visit! Disappointed a bit that the Sri Lanka tour has been reduced by a day. I am going to look at Travelshpere's one as Bob suggested to see if I rather do that next October/November or Just You Tour. Next year is sorted and not sure if I will be able to squeeze 3 trips, but may try to do so depending on finances and how many days I can take off from work. It is going to be very hard to decide where to go in 2018 - Burma or Phillipines or Chile and Easter Island or China/Tibet or Cambodia/Laos/Vietnam or Alaska or Canadian Rockies....! I would also like to do the Kenya Safari some time.


'BGray' wrote:

Hi everyone, seeing as we haven't been given any hints regarding new JY tours for next year, I've been playing detective on the website!  Look what I've found!!!

A brilliant tour of lesser known parts of China, with a trip to Tibet: 

A fabulous tour of the Philippines - I will have to think long and hard about this one! 

A new tour of the western US states: 

A Singapore city break: 

A winter Rockies experience: 

As well as the stunning new Chile tour I discovered yesterday: 

I would love to do nearly all of these (although I'll be seeing the sights of Singapore at the end of this month!) but there are too many to do in just one year - so come on JY folks, get booking and make these tours a success so I can do them in the years ahead!!!!!



Hi Bob

I'm doing the winter Rockies and can't wait!