  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone , was just wondering who else is going to Iceland in 2 Weeks time (15th November) as now I'm feeling quite nervous having never travelled alone before. I was wondering where we all meet at Heathrow and what time about. Does anyone also know how many of us are going on this trip? ☺️ Any feedback would be much appreciated
Hi hettiab,

Welcome to Just You - I can assure you that you will have a great time. This tour is fully booked, with 34 travellers booked to go, of these 30 are female and the other 4 are male.

I have had a look at your booking, you should have received your final documents by now and your flight times should be given on this. I hope that one of your fellow travellers spots your post so you can arrange meeting up at the airport. If you have no luck, make sure your JY luggage tag is poking out so others will be able to recognise you are also travelling with Just You.

I hope this helps and I wish you a safe journey.

Kindest regards,


Hi Hettiab,

I'm going.

I think we communicated before on the community page.

It will be my 1st abroad holiday in nearly 20 years.

I'm going on my own.

Well, I won't be on my own as I have YOU and 32 others to get to know.

The paperwork says to meet the Just You Rep near the check in area.

I packed 3 weeks ago. I'm ready and eager to visit Iceland.

Look out for me: Black suitcase with green wheels and green handle. With pink string on handle. With JY tags. :-)

Don't be nervous.

I'm very excited to be doing this on my own, as I'm not very well travelled and with the knowledge we have a Just You Rep makes me feel more confident and safer.

I hope the 4 men can cope with 30 women around them for 5 days. Haa Haa.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thankyou for the information Monty, much appreciated. Hi Julie ! Yes I do believe we've chatted before πŸ™‚ due to your response I feel a little more at ease. Ive noticed that you are too, a junior member, perhaps we are of similar age? I can't wait to meet you before we set off πŸ™‚ ... As for the tiny amount of 4 men in a group of 30 women, I really hope we don't drive them too crazy

The 'Junior member' relates to the number of posts you have written rather than your age. I did this trip earlier this year and had a brilliant time so don't worry too much about it. It is a very well organised tour, a fab hotel, and great excursions. If you get August as your local guide you are in very safe hands.


  • (Member)
Hi Guys

I'm very jealous - can't believe it's 8 months since our group got back from Iceland - you will have an amazing time (especially if your local guide is August) and your taste buds will love you for the rest of your lives!

A quick tip if you have time and fancy doing a helicopter tour while you are there. There's a company called Nordurflug that do them and they are superb - really friendly and the customer service is second to none. (You can book online in advance and your pilot will e-mail and call you in the run up to the trip with weather reports etc)



  • (Member)
Hello πŸ™‚ I'm traveling to Iceland tommorw with some friends! I love ju even more as it's a pain to book all excursions ad I've found out ie I booked the wrong hop on off bus to everyone else haha. I'll tell you how it goes for when you go Ann
Hi everyone,

I am also going on this tour and this will be my 2nd with just you. If it's as good as my first trip we have nothing to worry about as everything was amazing. It looks like I'm not the only Julie again as well

I look forward to meeting everyone going on this trip.

Just hope I'm taking the right kind of clothing. :-)

6 months of planning what to take.

I just can't wait to go.....

Roll on Nov 15th.

I've been checking the Iceland weather report and it always seems to be raining.

  • (Member)
Just back from Iceland and can confirm there was no ice! Lovely country just bitterly cold with the wind and rain
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi wanny! Thanks for the information. I will make sure I pack my thickest coat! However I have looked at Icelands weather forecast for next week and it says mostly cloudy with abit of sun. Though I don't take much notice of the weather forecasts because most of the time they've changed by lunchtime lol! Glad you had a great time!
  • (Member)
Hi Hettiab

They have a saying in Iceland (and they even print it on t-shirts):

"If you don't like the weather in Iceland, just wait five minutes"

It's absolutely true - you can forget 'four seasons in one day' because you are very likely to get four seasons in the space of an hour!!

Whatever you get, I guarantee that you will have a fantastic time but, don't bother to take a brolly because you will never keep it up as it is always blowing a gale there, and the dry witted locals will look at you as if you are a loony if you even attempt it. On the other hand, if you did manage to get a brolly up, the chances are that you would very swiftly end up in Norway.....

Don't forget your swimming gear but don't worry too much about all the warnings to put plenty of conditioner in your hair before you go into the Blue Lagoon. I slipped on the underwater mud as I waded out and did a spectacular face plant into the lagoon (much to the amusement of our group!). I'll admit that I didn't come up with hair like I'd 'just stepped out of a salon', but it didn't take on the brillo pad quality that we had been warned about either.

Not long for you now - have a super trip


  • (Member)
Yes I saw those t shirts to! What are you doing there? The goldon circle?
Welsh Jude
'hettiab' wrote:

Hi everyone , was just wondering who else is going to Iceland in 2 Weeks time (15th November) as now I'm feeling quite nervous having never travelled alone before. I was wondering where we all meet at Heathrow and what time about. Does anyone also know how many of us are going on this trip? ☺️ Any feedback would be much appreciated

Hello there

I too am going on the trip on 15/11 & like you are extremely apprehensive about travelling alone. I was widowed two years ago & have never holidayed alone before. I am traveling to the airport via the Heathrow Express - probably the 10.10 service. Let me know if you are using the train & perhaps we can meet up at Paddington. If not, look out for me at check-in. I will have a bright blue suitcase displaying the Just You label. I am short (5 ft) with darkish hair. I am really excited about the holiday but nervous about the travelling. Do get in touch