  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I've just discovered this forum and can't find a thread for this holiday - apologies if I'm missing, please point me there!

I rather "spur of the moment" (not an intentional pun) style booked this holiday a couple of weeks back... It's my first holiday on my own and I'm nervous and excited all at once!

I wondered if anyone else was going!

I'm also desperately trying to work out what to pack! Lol!


Hi Hannah

Im on this trip and another lady called Rosie, we are both staying overnight the day before at travelodge heathrow terminal 5. There was a bit of chat back in August, but there was only Rosie and myself that actually got chatting. Its a full group, but not everyone comes on the forum. Not sure what to pack myself, guess Jeans would be one of them.

Dont be nervous we will all be in the same boat. Not long to go now


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for replying! I only booked recently, in fact it said "one place left" when I booked, but I think it still says that! Lol! I'm very excited, but it is strange - first holiday I've done by myself! I'm in Scotland so will be flying down in the morning - perhaps we could arrange to meet up somewhere at Heathrow though?

I've done a wee bit of riding a good few years ago so have some stuff, but not sure how much of it to take! Really I'm hoping to get cowboy boots and a hat as soon as we get there and fully cheese it up - that's acceptable right!. 😉


Yes we can all meet up somewhere that will be fine. What time is your flight expected in? If you are happy i will pass on my mobile number and you can text where you are and we could meet you?

I used to ride about 13/14 years ago, but just had a few lessons to get me back in the saddle! Yeah ive got my riding stuff, but not sure a riding hat would look the part out there!!!

very acceptable to cheese it up

look forward to catching up, not long now


Hi Hannah I am also booked on the Arizona trip and will be staying at Heathrow over night , I checked to find out if we are able to use a courtesy lounge at the airport as in previous trips with JY but it's not offered on this one . I will be a beginner at riding as I have not been on a horse in over 40yrs but hay they make it look easy on the ranch web site . Never had to pack so many jeans boots for a holiday . I look forward in meeting you at the airport with Sammy Jo . This will be my third holl with JY so once you get the 1st out the way I am sure you will won't to book again . Rosie
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Sorry, my reply never posted! Fail!

Agree, not sure hat would look good lol! I might pack denim jodhpurs - mainly as I gave no where near enough jeans! What are you wearing on feet? Not long now, feel I have so much to sort! Lol

Is there a way to pass on mobile without posting publicly? I get enough marketing calls as it is.... Lol. But yes, happy to swap numbers as that seems easiest!

Rosie. I'm pretty sure I count as a beginner too, years since I was on a horse. Went back to riding twice and fully intended to keep it up so bought some stuff, then fell off bike and dislocated knee cap then did again and tore rotator cuff - neither compatible with horses! I hope I'm better at staying on them than bike! You taking padded shorts or thinking it looks ok? Website does make it look fab! Can't wait to look that cool! Ha ha.


Hi Hannah,

I am happy to pass your mobile number over to the others. If you post it in this thread I can then moderate it and email it over. So if anyone would like Hannah's number, reply to this post and I will send it over - if you're ok with that Hannah?

Kindest Regards,


Hi Hannah

No not long now. It looks a fabulous place. Keep checking on the weather this week up in mid 30's so nice and warm. Ill be taking my Jeggins as they are a bit thicker for riding, as jeans can be quite heavy, but will be taking a couple of pairs any way. Ive got an oldish pair of boots that i will probably take for riding (not cowboy though)

My number is ************


Hi Hannah,

If you are happy to receive Sam's number - please reply and confirm that you're happy so I can send this over via email.

Kindest Regards,


Hi Hannah

If you go onto white stallion ranch website and look under Rates and then plan your trip, it gives you a rough idea as to what to take and what they have for sale over there. See you soon. Weather all looking good for next week in mid 30's let hope it continues!
