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Hello all.

I've just booked the Spirit of India tour 8 Feb 2016.

Is there any one else using the forum going?

Would be great to say hello to anyone travelling. Its my first solo trip/ first escorted tour and first time to India.

How exciting, so many firsts and we have not even arrived in country yet.

Look forward to hearing from my fellow travelling companions

All the best


Hi Alex,

Sorry I'm not on this trip, but I just wanted to say that not everyone who uses JY is on this forum, and some people only pop in as their holiday gets nearer.

I know you will have an amazing time - the holiday is on my hit list also.

Kind Regards


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Kezzer46' wrote:

Hi Alex,

Sorry I'm not on this trip, but I just wanted to say that not everyone who uses JY is on this forum, and some people only pop in as their holiday gets nearer.

I know you will have an amazing time - the holiday is on my hit list also.

Kind Regards


HI Kezzer,

I know its a long way off yet,thought i'd break the Ice and say HI Just incase, so far 14 have booked.

I took the plunge after reading the great reviews and chatting with a few of the other on this site. So far everyone appear to be a friendly and enthusiastic bunch of people. I Know i will have a great time.

I'll let you know how I get on.

Bye for now.


  • (Member)
Hi Alex

First of all my apologies as I called you 'Princi' on one of the replies I posted today re Indian Visa. I have not done this trip, but you are in for an amazing time. All I would say is go with an open mind and you will have a great time.


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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Alex

First of all my apologies as I called you 'Princi' on one of the replies I posted today re Indian Visa. I have not done this trip, but you are in for an amazing time. All I would say is go with an open mind and you will have a great time.


Hi Jaya

Thank you, I cant wait to experience ALL India has to offer. The wonderful assault on my senses.

Travel sure makes me feel grateful for what I have back home, It helps put everything in to perspective.

All the best


  • (Member)
'Princi' wrote:

Hello all.

I've just booked the Spirit of India tour 8 Feb 2016.

Is there any one else using the forum going?

Would be great to say hello to anyone travelling. Its my first solo trip/ first escorted tour and first time to India.

How exciting, so many firsts and we have not even arrived in country yet.

Look forward to hearing from my fellow travelling companions

All the best


Hi Alex

I am also on the India tour it is my second holiday with just you.I went to Tuscany in May this year it was a fantastic holiday made some good friends. I will be flying from Manchester to Heathrow may be we can keep in touch with tips etc

  • (Member)
Hi Alex

You are so right - travel does make you appreciate more of what you have. You will have a great experience. Not long to go for my trip to Kerala. Just under a month now so am getting very excited. Have got my e-Visa and booked the coach to and from Heathrow. Now looking forward to receiving the final documentation.


Hi all, I'm booked on the Spirit of India tour 23/11/15, and wondering if there is anyone else who can't wait to get going?! 🙂
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Nunu' wrote:

'Princi' wrote:

Hello all.

I've just booked the Spirit of India tour 8 Feb 2016.

Is there any one else using the forum going?

Would be great to say hello to anyone travelling. Its my first solo trip/ first escorted tour and first time to India.

How exciting, so many firsts and we have not even arrived in country yet.

Look forward to hearing from my fellow travelling companions

All the best


Hi Alex

I am also on the India tour it is my second holiday with just you.I went to Tuscany in May this year it was a fantastic holiday made some good friends. I will be flying from Manchester to Heathrow may be we can keep in touch with tips etc

Hi Nunu

It so exciting, I think I might be going 24hour in advance of the group, as I have a friend in Delhi, whom I hoping to catch up with for a quick drink before we all start our trip together. Either that or I will stay on one extra night. Are you traveling from MAN the night before?


  • (Member)
Hello Jaya,

I noticed in your post you mention an e - visa for India. Is this new ?

I went to India in March last year, I was on a cruise and we spent just a day there but had to get a visa, which then involved sending my passport away and paying over £100 !

We went to Mumbai and although it was only a day I loved it and would love to go back and see more of India but the hassle with the visa has been putting me off especially as I live in France which makes the the visa application even more complex.

If the rules have now changed then India could well be my choice for next year's 'big' holiday!!

Enjoy your trip


Hi Denise

Yes rules regarding evisa changed in September. I understand most of the process is done on line.

I have just come back from Kerala and have also done Spirit of India tour. I can recommend both but they are very different. Kerala is quite a relaxed tour whilst the other trip is very full on!


  • (Member)
Hi Lesley,

Thanks, so glad they've changed the visa process. Think it will be the Spirit of India tour for me first as I've always wanted to see the Taj Mahal, then perhaps Kerala sometime later!!!!


Denise 🙂

Hi Alex

I'm booked on Spirit of India trip departing Feb 2016. This will be my sixth JY holiday, and I've thoroughly enjoyed every one of them!

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, not long now!

Best wishes


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Karon2606' wrote:

Hi Alex

I'm booked on Spirit of India trip departing Feb 2016. This will be my sixth JY holiday, and I've thoroughly enjoyed every one of them!

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, not long now!

Best wishes


Hi Karon, thanks for replying. So nice to know a seasoned JY client is travelling.

Can you give me any advise on packing?

Do you guys normally change for dinner.

How on earth do you pack for a holiday where your constantly on the move.

Also the internal flight to Varanasi the luggage allowance is only 15kgs...

Any advise gratefully received.

Getting very excited now.

Happy new year to you


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Karon2606' wrote:

Hi Alex

I'm booked on Spirit of India trip departing Feb 2016. This will be my sixth JY holiday, and I've thoroughly enjoyed every one of them!

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, not long now!

Best wishes


Hi again Karon, I've tried to reply, hopefully this one will go through.

Thank you for getting in contact and it's nice to know an experienced JY traveller will be joining us.

Can you advise how one packs for a holiday where your constantly on the move also hearing in mind the internal flight baggage allowance is 15kgs... Any tips?

I intend to bring a 4wheeled suitcase.... Do you recon that will be okay.

In you experience do people dress from dinner or do most just freshen up?

So excited and looking forward to meeting you all.


'Princi' wrote:

'Karon2606' wrote:

Hi Alex

I'm booked on Spirit of India trip departing Feb 2016. This will be my sixth JY holiday, and I've thoroughly enjoyed every one of them!

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, not long now!

Best wishes


Hi again Karon, I've tried to reply, hopefully this one will go through.

Thank you for getting in contact and it's nice to know an experienced JY traveller will be joining us.

Can you advise how one packs for a holiday where your constantly on the move also hearing in mind the internal flight baggage allowance is 15kgs... Any tips?

I intend to bring a 4wheeled suitcase.... Do you recon that will be okay.

In you experience do people dress from dinner or do most just freshen up?

So excited and looking forward to meeting you all.


Hi Alex

Sorry its taken me so long to reply, I use a 4 wheeled suitcase and they're great, much easier than 2 wheeled, it survived 5 flights in China last year!

I highly recommend packing cubes - zipped bags of different sizes to keep different types of clothes in eg one for underwear, one for t-shirts etc. I started off with cheap ones from Wilko, which were fine, but have recently upgraded to posh ones from eBags (Amazon)! The cubes mean you dont need to rummage through your case, and if theres a spare bed in my room I just put the cubes on it and dont bother with wardrobes or drawers.

Whether people dress for dinner usually depends on how late we arrive at the hotel after a busy day sightseeing. In China we rarely had time to change, although on other trips we have. I usually take 2 evening outfits and no-one cares if you wear them 5 times each!

Internal baggage allowance is a worry, especially if its strictly enforced. My only experience is China where we did group check in (ie cases are taken to airport for us and we next see them after flight) and so we got a group weight allowance. Luckily men travel lighter than women and so we could share their allowance! I think this is quite common but we cant guarantee it will happen. I usually take a fairly large hand luggage bag and load that up if I'm concerned.

Other than that I can only advise that on every holiday I've been on we all joke that we've brought far too many clothes with us!

Looking forward to meeting everyone

Best wishes


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Karon2606' wrote:

'Princi' wrote:

'Karon2606' wrote:

Hi Alex

I'm booked on Spirit of India trip departing Feb 2016. This will be my sixth JY holiday, and I've thoroughly enjoyed every one of them!

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, not long now!

Best wishes


Hi again Karon, I've tried to reply, hopefully this one will go through.

Thank you for getting in contact and it's nice to know an experienced JY traveller will be joining us.

Can you advise how one packs for a holiday where your constantly on the move also hearing in mind the internal flight baggage allowance is 15kgs... Any tips?

I intend to bring a 4wheeled suitcase.... Do you recon that will be okay.

In you experience do people dress from dinner or do most just freshen up?

So excited and looking forward to meeting you all.


Hi Alex

Sorry its taken me so long to reply, I use a 4 wheeled suitcase and they're great, much easier than 2 wheeled, it survived 5 flights in China last year!

I highly recommend packing cubes - zipped bags of different sizes to keep different types of clothes in eg one for underwear, one for t-shirts etc. I started off with cheap ones from Wilko, which were fine, but have recently upgraded to posh ones from eBags (Amazon)! The cubes mean you dont need to rummage through your case, and if theres a spare bed in my room I just put the cubes on it and dont bother with wardrobes or drawers.

Whether people dress for dinner usually depends on how late we arrive at the hotel after a busy day sightseeing. In China we rarely had time to change, although on other trips we have. I usually take 2 evening outfits and no-one cares if you wear them 5 times each!

Internal baggage allowance is a worry, especially if its strictly enforced. My only experience is China where we did group check in (ie cases are taken to airport for us and we next see them after flight) and so we got a group weight allowance. Luckily men travel lighter than women and so we could share their allowance! I think this is quite common but we cant guarantee it will happen. I usually take a fairly large hand luggage bag and load that up if I'm concerned.

Other than that I can only advise that on every holiday I've been on we all joke that we've brought far too many clothes with us!

Looking forward to meeting everyone

Best wishes


Karon - THANK YOU- I manage on Business trips, so I have no idea why my brain is in such a spin for a HOLIDAY, although on business, I'm normally in one spot for 2-3 nights which is long enough to get a laundry service done if needed. Packing cubes sound a brilliant idea. Ideal birthday present me thinks. See you there!! 27 More sleeps. Excited

  • (Member)
I also recommend packing cubes. They are brilliant especially when you are on the go all the time. Over the years I have learnt not to take too much and my luggage is always lighter than the allowance. It is always nice to have some space for any purchases! I go through the itinerary and roughly decide what to wear each day and evening. I change the tops each day, but may wear the same skirt/trousers at least twice. You can also wear the outfit for the next day during the previous evening. Since you only wear it for 2-3 hours only in the evening, it is okay to wear the next day. This all reduces the amount you have to take on a holiday. As Karon says no one cares how many times you wear an outfit as long as it does not get stinky!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

I also recommend packing cubes. They are brilliant especially when you are on the go all the time. Over the years I have learnt not to take too much and my luggage is always lighter than the allowance. It is always nice to have some space for any purchases! I go through the itinerary and roughly decide what to wear each day and evening. I change the tops each day, but may wear the same skirt/trousers at least twice. You can also wear the outfit for the next day during the previous evening. Since you only wear it for 2-3 hours only in the evening, it is okay to wear the next day. This all reduces the amount you have to take on a holiday. As Karon says no one cares how many times you wear an outfit as long as it does not get stinky!



Hi Jaya,

Packing cubes, purchased, and have arrived. I'm also working on the premis I can always get stuff laundered at hotels,( at my expense) or wash them out myself.

Final document arrived the other day from JY, now all I have to do is pack. Woohoo.

  • (Member)
Hi Alex

Getting laundry done in India is very cheap! You should have no problem at all. I usually just wash the underwear whilst on holiday, but have had laundry done in Namibia and Kerala. In Namibia my jacket was getting a bit dirty so had that washed and ironed and it only cost about 50 pence. In Kerala had to have a pair of trousers laundered and that too was very cheap. You are going to have a fantastic time.
