  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi there

Wonder if anyone can help i want to go away on Holiday for week or so but have never been on my own. To be Honest really scared hence why i have never done this.

Would anyone be able to give me any ideas on this.



Hi Mark

I have been travelling with JY since 2010. Have done mainly long haul holidays which were on my wish list. Did the Apulia trip last year. Had visited most of Italy but this was a new area which I enjoyed visiting. Am going to Kerala in September-another tick on my wish list!

My advice would be decide what you want to spend, where you want to go and for how long and match up a holiday. I have enjoyed each of my JY holidays and have met lots of interesting people. You will quickly get over initial panic!

Hope this helps


Angie 2
Hi Mark,

Let me just say you have come to the right place to start. There is always someone on the forum who is willing to share their experience. Most of us are scared the first time on our own so you are not alone there. The JUST YOU holidays are very well organised and people on these holidays are all more or less in the same position of wanting to go away but have no one to go with. You always find that no one is left out of anything unless they want to be. I have been on several JY holidays and have met some lovely people some of whom I keep in touch with.

Now all you need to do is choose from the many tempting hols on offer. I can't advise on that as everyone is different in what they want from a holiday. Once you have found one that you like book it. You won't regret it.

Good luck in your search and have a great time.


  • (Member)

I agree with what Angie and Lesley have said, I started useing JY in 2006 My first tour of 11 was to Boston New England and New York, all the tours I have been in have been great, I have seen so much and met a great bunch of people along the way. I tend to go for the full on tours so I get to see and do as much as possible. There are usually more ladies then men per tour but everybody mucks in together, people do mix really fast and it's a great atmosphere. Age range can be anywhere for 20-80 I would say the core age is 55-70, if you have a tour in mind if you post the details on the editors board they will be able to give you age range how many going male female ratio etc.


  • (Member)
'markf123' wrote:

Hi there

Wonder if anyone can help i want to go away on Holiday for week or so but have never been on my own. To be Honest really scared hence why i have never done this.

Would anyone be able to give me any ideas on this.



Hi Mark,

I agree with all the other responses- you have come to the right place. I have been using this company since i was 23 and it nerver disappoints. There are plenty of testimonies on this website from nervous newbies so i suggest take a look to see what you are missing :)



  • (Member)
Hello and welcome Mark

I would only add this to the comments made by everyone else - Just Go For It¬! Pick a destination you always wanted to visit and book it. You will have no regrets. In fact you will want to book another holiday on your return. Travelling with Just You is great - there is nothing to worry about as everything is taken care of from start to finish, you travel with like minded people of all ages and all you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy your holiday. There is no pressure on you. You can either join everyone on included and optional excursions or do your own thing if you wish. For a taster holiday, I would highly recommend Costa de la Luz or Andalucía. Calabria too is a lovely place to visit. Why don't you take a look at what is on offer as I am sure you will find something to tempt you.

Best wishes
