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Hi, I have booked to go on the Pompeii, Sorrento & the Bay of Naples trip on the 2nd September from Edinburgh, just wondering who else is going on this trip. Looking forward to it but very apprehensive. Has anyone booked the extra excursions?
Hi Linda, it's my first time too and I am going on this holiday flying from Gatwick. I have booked all the trips as wanted to make the most of it! Debbie
I have booked for Austria in September. My first trip with this company - and my first singles holiday ever.
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Hi Debbie, Glad this is your first time too. I will pre book the trips, now I know someone else has! Look forward to meeting you. Hope like me you are glad

you won't be the only newbie. See you on the 2nd. Linda x

Hi Linda, yes it's good to know others are in the same boat.

Look forward to meeting you too, really getting ready for a holiday now, debbie

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'57Linda' wrote:

Hi, I have booked to go on the Pompeii, Sorrento & the Bay of Naples trip on the 2nd September from Edinburgh, just wondering who else is going on this trip. Looking forward to it but very apprehensive. Has anyone booked the extra excursions?

Hi 57Linda,

This trip is on my to do list as i would love to visit Pompeii, Herculaneum and Vesuvius. Its normal to be nervous, especially if it is your first time but my advice is to not worry. You're all there to have a good time and people naturally make friends, especially at the airport when you meet the rep and the other travellers.

Do write a review on your return. Id love to know your thoughts!


Hi 57Linda

This was my first ever Just You holiday in June this year. The trip itself is very interesting and the guides very informative but with a humorous attitude. Prepare for quite a bit of walking. A good quality pair of trainers is what I took for day wear. The ground in pompeii is very uneven but hard underfoot. I did all the excursions so if you would like any advice let me know.



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'sue1305' wrote:

Hi 57Linda

This was my first ever Just You holiday in June this year. The trip itself is very interesting and the guides very informative but with a humorous attitude. Prepare for quite a bit of walking. A good quality pair of trainers is what I took for day wear. The ground in pompeii is very uneven but hard underfoot. I did all the excursions so if you would like any advice let me know.



Hi Sue

Glad you had a good time. I am going to take a comfy pair of trainers with me now:) How was the Capri trip? I am really looking forward to this one. I feel for my first solo trip I should do all the excursions to keep myself busy. Were you glad you did all the trips?



Hi 57Linda

The capricious trip was beautiful. Quite a bit of walking, shopping and relaxing to do. A very long day as you leave the hotel at quarter to 7 in the morning and don't get back until around 5pm.

Yes I was glad that I did all the excursions as I was interested in all the historical sites and wanted to visit the volcano as well. Herculeneum, pompeii and vesuvius are half days although I highly recommend staying in pompeii after the tour as myself and a couple of others others did others did to others did to see more of it and the villa of mysteries. The ruins are only approximately 10 minutes walk from the hotel and it saves you another entry fee.

Every trip has beautiful views and lots of interesting places to look at and visit in your free time in each place.

Hope that helps


Hi Sue ,

I'm doing the trip in October. It sounds great although the hotel, especially the food is not getting very good reviews. Can you tell me where you ate on the two nights that dinner is not included?

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'sue1305' wrote:

Hi 57Linda

The capricious trip was beautiful. Quite a bit of walking, shopping and relaxing to do. A very long day as you leave the hotel at quarter to 7 in the morning and don't get back until around 5pm.

Yes I was glad that I did all the excursions as I was interested in all the historical sites and wanted to visit the volcano as well. Herculeneum, pompeii and vesuvius are half days although I highly recommend staying in pompeii after the tour as myself and a couple of others others did others did to others did to see more of it and the villa of mysteries. The ruins are only approximately 10 minutes walk from the hotel and it saves you another entry fee.

Every trip has beautiful views and lots of interesting places to look at and visit in your free time in each place.

Hope that helps


Hi Sue

Thanks for all the information, very helpful. Oh! my goodness, 6.45am. Hope my alarm works.


'SarahS' wrote:

Hi Sue ,

I'm doing the trip in October. It sounds great although the hotel, especially the food is not getting very good reviews. Can you tell me where you ate on the two nights that dinner is not included?

Hi SarahS

The food in the hotel was not the best and very limited. I am hoping that with the reviews that have been submitted that thus aspect of the trip will be addressed as it is really the only down side. The 2 nights not included were organised by our tour manager however I have noticed that you are probably not going to have the same one we had. The first non hotel evening we went to the Principe restaurant. Very local to the hotel but VERY pricey. They charge you a cover charge and 22.5% service charge on your bill. The other night was a pizzeria night. That was very enjoyable and great pricing. The atmosphere in the pizzeria is friendly and you have a wide choice range. Cover charge is 1.5 euros and no service charge so it is tip what you want at the end. There is a small supermarket just around the corner from the hotel that is well priced for anything you want. I picked up large bottles of water and just kept refilling the smaller ones each day.

The drinks at dinner all go onto a tab to your room number so be aware of what you have had. Water is not free anywhere even with meals.

If you love beautiful scenery and seeing places you have only read about in text books then don't let the food put you off.

One more hint or tip. On the way to Pompeii ruins you pass a great gelateria on the right. Totally white with wonderful cakes and gelato. Not too expensive and a very wide range of flavours to suit any one. They also serve coffees etc. I know in my group most went there practically every day.

Anything else I can help you with let me know.


I'm going to NY on 18th September - my first time. Anyone else?