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Hi, Would be nice to hear from anyone who has booked this trip departing Aug 5th. According to Julia only nine people currently booked, hopefully more will book nearer the time. :thumbup:
John Grove
Ne hao. (hello) I am on this trip with you. I have been to most of the places before, so I want to have another look and see how things have changed since the Yangtze dam has been completed.
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi John, look forward to meeting you and our fellow travellers. How long ago did you visit China? Have you any useful tips? Just sent off visa application so it feels real now. So excited as it's a trip I've wanted to do for a long while. Especially looking forward to Chengdu and the panda breeding centre.
John Grove
First visit in 98 we visited Beijing, Xian, Guilin, and Hong Kong. 2nd time flew to Shanghai then to Chongching to board Victoria 5 and sailed all the way back to Shanghai. Went with wife and another couple. The husband was Chinese brought up in Shanghai. I've not been to the Panda Breeding Centre so that will be new. I can speak a little Mandarin due to having worked in Singapore and Malaysia. The sights I want to see again are the three gorges and the terracotta army. TIP:- It will be hot in August 30C + and rain is possible. Before the dam was built large boats could not get up to Chongching in winter as the winters are dry.
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi John, thanks for the tip, will help when planning what to take. I've been reading up on China and it sounds fascinating, can't wait to get there and experience it for real.
Chloesonic :)
Hi Jayney and John

Yes I am also booked on this holiday for 5th Aug 🙂 not long now. I'm not doing the add on cruise but have booked for all the extra excursions and will book Xian by night at the hotel. This will be my 3rd holiday with JY so very excited, especially to see the terracotta warriors, Iv heard we need a good pair of walking shoes or boots for that 🙂 yes 9 is a low number. smallest group Iv ever had but I'm sure we will have a great time.

Looking forward to meeting you all at Heathrow

Chloe xx

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Chloe, I've not booked the additional trips yet as it says you can book when you're there. I'm also looking forward to seeing the terracotta warriors and also the panda breeding centre (hope they offer the opportunity to get up close to the pandas as mentioned in other reviews). This is only my 2nd JY trip, I went on a Venetian cruise a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. This trip is something I've wanted to do for a long while but working in a school means that I'm restricted by dates. Look forward to meeting you and John at Heathrow for what I hope will be an unforgettable holiday.


Chloesonic :)
Hiya yes you can book when your there. I just like to know it's all paid for before, so I can use the cash on other things 🙂

I'm so excited about the Great Wall, I don't think we can do the panda handling anymore as It got stopped a few years ago 😞 I think there are 4 people undertaking the cruise so you will have some company 🙂

I started checking out insurance and coach to Heathrow so getting close to it now.

Does anyone know if we need malaria tablets? Iv got the travel nurse app for 10th June to check jabs are upto date so will ask then.


John Grove
Last time I went to see the terracotta army the coach pulled up near the halls so it was only a short walk into the main hall. When you walked into the main hall you looked down onto them lined up in front of you, then you walked up the side and out to go into other smaller halls to see the archers and then the cavalry with each soldier stood at the side of a terracotta horse. If you are allowed to go up the actual burial mound you may need stout shoes. We were not, and only saw it from the coach. Travelling around Shanghai is easy with the excellent metro system and signs in English.
  • (Member)
Hi JaneyW

I did this tour in October last year and you'll be pleased to hear that the 'Panda hugging' (ie the 'Panda Keeper Experience') in Chengdu is still available. It's not cheap - 2000 Yuan in 2014 which is roughly £200 and you have to pay cash, but I can honestly say it's the best holiday money I've ever spent - a truly thrilling experience. If you have a search around some of the other threads here, you'll find my explanation of what you get for your money.

There are limited places each day so that the cubs are not stressed, so make sure you let your local guide know that you want to book as soon as you get to Chengdu. If Suzy is your guide - she will sort it all out for you and you will have a story to dine out on for a lifetime!

Happy to help if you have any other questions about the pandas or the tour in general. I didn't do the cruise so didn't need the malaria tablets but I believe they were recommended for those that did. I just had a Hep A jab. One more tip - take plenty of throat sweets and, if asthmatic, take extra inhalers. The air quality can be pretty bad in places.

Have a wonderful trip


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for the information Mandy. Chloe, I saw my practice nurse and she said malaria tablets were not necessary in the areas we are travelling in but did advise a good repellant (I get mine from a good outdoor activity shop - maximum strength 10 hours protection) plus use a plug in at night in the room. I did have an accelerated course of Hep B (2 jabs a week apart, 1 two weeks later and a booster next year to give 25 + years protection). I am up to date with all other vaccinations but its worth asking when you go. I also need to book coach and/or hotel but I have read in other reviews that terminals can change so I'm thinking of waiting until I get the final invoice.


'JayneyW' wrote:

Thanks for the information Mandy. Chloe, I saw my practice nurse and she said malaria tablets were not necessary in the areas we are travelling in but did advise a good repellant (I get mine from a good outdoor activity shop - maximum strength 10 hours protection) plus use a plug in at night in the room. I did have an accelerated course of Hep B (2 jabs a week apart, 1 two weeks later and a booster next year to give 25 + years protection). I am up to date with all other vaccinations but its worth asking when you go. I also need to book coach and/or hotel but I have read in other reviews that terminals can change so I'm thinking of waiting until I get the final invoice.


Hi Jayney

I am travelling in September and doing the add on. My practice nurse said the repellent was good elsewhere but to take the malaria tablets the day before the cruise, while on it and for a week after. She also suggested (but didn't insist on) the Japanese encephalitis jab . She was adamant about the malaria tablets for travel in that area though as dengue fever is also one of the nasties the carry as well as malaria and jap. encap. Hope this helps.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Fran, thanks for that information. I will speak to my doctor about both, rather be safe than sorry. Isn't it strange how the information given can be so different depending on who you ask. Hope you have a great trip in September.
John Grove
At Heathrow there is a cheap "Capsule Hotel" check out "Yotel" on the internet. I think it was at terminal 4. I stopped there when I had a morning flight to Singapore via Kuala Lumpur. You get a very small room with facilities and a bunk bed. But be aware the bus between terminals finishes fairly early. I had to get a taxi from the National express stop at terminal 3 to terminal 4.
Any tips on what to pack for the inspirational trip China 9th Sept please
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'newbyphil' wrote:

Any tips on what to pack for the inspirational trip China 9th Sept please

Hi newbyphil,

Just returned from this trip (5 - 21 Aug). It was very hot and humid. It is rainy season so I would recommend a lightweight waterproof. Also all hotels provided toiletries (including toothbrush \toothpaste) so you don't need to take unless you prefer your usual brands ( no dental pack on cruise but you could pack one or two from hotels!). Make sure you have comfy shoes, there is a lot of walking involved (and more steps than you've ever seen!).

Hope you have a fantastic trip, I thoroughly enjoyed every hectic moment.
