  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
This is my second booking. The first one, China Experience, I had to cancel at the last minute through illness and lost most of my money. I am now ready to try again and have gone for the trip to Albi.

I have a friend who is French and she has visited there and says it is lovely so I am looking forward to it now.

Anyone else booked for June? Not sure whether to stay the night at Heathrow or travel down in the morning - may be good to meet others before the flight.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Am I the only one booked on this trip? I know the site is for those who want to travel 'solo' just didn't realise that meant travelling alone. Should have realised with a company called 'Just You'. :huh: I remain optimistic.:) John
  • (Member)
Hi wissyweb,

I can assure you, you are not the only traveller on this trip - at the moment there are 22 travellers booked on this date and still time for even more to join you.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

That's great news - I look forward to meeting everyone, if not sooner, then later.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have booked a room and parking at the Heathrow T5 Thistle - anyone else there or nearby? Would be good to meet up before flying out.


  • (Member)
Hi wissyweb,

This is a holiday i have had my eye on for a while. Most people dont use the forum unfortunately so sometimes you might not get a repsonse on the forum. Nevertheless i am sure youll have a superb holiday and dont forget to write a review on your return.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mark,

Thanks for the reply - you noticed my hint of sarcasm at the lack of response.

Obviously not many use the forum which is a shame as it's good to communicate with prospective fellow travellers and with previous ones who share their experiences and sometimes give advice. Perhaps it could be more prominent.

Will report back on my return.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Helloo, Helloo, Hellooo,

This is the post holiday post having arrived home at 3:32. I am now optimistic that some of you will not only LOOK at the post but will actually REPLY having all been personally reprimanded for ignoring me the first time - Marion!

Firstly, a massive thanks to the much loved Anne Marie, our long suffering tour guide, who almost kept us in order and who also ran the tour faultlessly throughout, except for a short loss of control on the way home one day when she impulsively broke into song. Fortunately we were able to drown her out by joining in with her French song.

Secondly, thanks to the 3 members of the evening Kennel Club who kept me entertained and to one member who never did explain how it got the name!

Thirdly, thanks to the following 3 friends, 7, 18 (to 30), also known as chicken, and 3 (pm club). Thanks for a memorable time and to 3 - although I am a member of the Club, due to communication problems, I never did manage to attend a meeting and would like discuss the forthcoming agenda. My bald patch is starting to grow back. I am also pleased to announce that I have ditched the kilt as normal service has been resumed.

The group was very friendly and we all got on well and I would like to thank everyone on it for making it my best Just You tour so far - I look forward to the second one!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mark,

This is really a must do tour if this sort of holiday appeals to you. Albi itself is fantastic with the large buildings built with small red bricks. The Cathedral is really impressive and the view over the cathedral gardens and from either of the road bridges is breathtaking.

The tour itself lasts 4 days with the first allowing a little time to explore the town whilst the next 3 are 'all day' tours. Lots to see and, if you are lucky as I was, very good company and the bonus of a 5 star guide thrown in. Anne Marie is just great and so attentive and caring and I challenge you not to love her to bits by the end.

If you want any specific information just let me know.



'wissyweb' wrote:

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the reply - you noticed my hint of sarcasm at the lack of response.

Obviously not many use the forum which is a shame as it's good to communicate with prospective fellow travellers and with previous ones who share their experiences and sometimes give advice. Perhaps it could be more prominent.

Will report back on my return.


'wissyweb' wrote:

Helloo, Helloo, Hellooo,

This is the post holiday post having arrived home at 3:32. I am now optimistic that some of you will not only LOOK at the post but will actually REPLY having all been personally reprimanded for ignoring me the first time - Marion!

Firstly, a massive thanks to the much loved Anne Marie, our long suffering tour guide, who almost kept us in order and who also ran the tour faultlessly throughout, except for a short loss of control on the way home one day when she impulsively broke into song. Fortunately we were able to drown her out by joining in with her French song.

Secondly, thanks to the 3 members of the evening Kennel Club who kept me entertained and to one member who never did explain how it got the name!

Thirdly, thanks to the following 3 friends, 7, 18 (to 30), also known as chicken, and 3 (pm club). Thanks for a memorable time and to 3 - although I am a member of the Club, due to communication problems, I never did manage to attend a meeting and would like discuss the forthcoming agenda. My bald patch is starting to grow back. I am also pleased to announce that I have ditched the kilt as normal service has been resumed.

The group was very friendly and we all got on well and I would like to thank everyone on it for making it my best Just You tour so far - I look forward to the second one!


Helloo, Helloo, Hellooo John - 18.2.30 reporting in after what was a terrific holiday.

First of all, as you mentioned, a big thank you to Anne Marie, who did such a great job organising everything and making us laugh so much along the way - my knowledge of cows is now exemplary!

Also, thanks to my fellow travellers, who were such a friendly crowd and, most of all, thank you to my constant companions - I truly could not have had a better time - it was the best. I sincerely hope our paths cross again but, if not, it was a pleasure to be a member of the One World Club for a few days.

Looking forward to the next one -

Au revour mes amis


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hellooo Ros,

Quelle surprise, someone has replied!! Many thanks to you and Peter (who's e-mail I have) for a great time and perhaps we can sort something out this time next year? I am so pleased that you booked the wrong holiday and didn't end up with the comparative youngsters! Would have liked to got Cindy's e-mail as she was so much fun too.

À bientôt


Hellooo John - I thought I ought to reply, after 31 of us ignored you before the holiday! I'm in touch with Peter as well and it would be lovely to think we could all meet up again next year. If you have any ideas, keep us posted - I know Anne-Marie mentioned Bordeaux and a few more days in her company would be fun. Hopefully Cindy might read the forum at some point and get in touch as well.

Au revoir


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hellooo Ros,

Love the handle - at last! Tried to contact Cindy, not sure if I succeeded but haven't had a reply anyway, which is surprising and disappointing. I live in hope! There are 2 Bordeaux trips so we will have to rally for the same one. Will contact Peter and take it from there. Thanks for being the only one.

Au revoir,
