  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Not sure if anyone else has read this in the newspapers. It seems that wheeled suitcases are going to be banned in Venice as from May next year for two reasons. Firstly the noise keeps the residents awake when hordes of tourists wheel the suitcases late at night and secondly it is said that they are damaging the bridges and cobbled streets etc. What next?!


'Jaya' wrote:

Not sure if anyone else has read this in the newspapers. It seems that wheeled suitcases are going to be banned in Venice as from May next year for two reasons. Firstly the noise keeps the residents awake when hordes of tourists wheel the suitcases late at night and secondly it is said that they are damaging the bridges and cobbled streets etc. What next?!


Yes. I read it too Jaya. Seeing as a very large amount of suitcases are wheeled these days do they expect visitors to buy a special one just for visiting?

  • (Member)
Jaya, Bosuncat..

oh dear, whatever next!!! Just as well Venice isn't on my bucket list...


  • (Member)
Just as well folks travelling with JY get dropped off at hotels with porter service then - no need to drag cases along the road! I always feel sorry for people when I'm abroad and see them dragging their cases behind them, trying to find their hotel or a taxi - never thought of the noise pollution though!



Mick W
And one day the people of Venice may come to realise that its tourism that keeps their city afloat. Without it their economy will collapse.

While on the subject I do think that the size of Cabin luggage is getting out of hand (how many things do you need on a plane). It really irritates me when i have to cram my small ruck sack under the seat in front restricting my leg room because the overhead lockers are full of large cases.

  • (Member)
Well said, Mick, I couldn't agree more!



  • (Member)
'Mick wrote:

And one day the people of Venice may come to realise that its tourism that keeps their city afloat. Without it their economy will collapse.

While on the subject I do think that the size of Cabin luggage is getting out of hand (how many things do you need on a plane). It really irritates me when i have to cram my small ruck sack under the seat in front restricting my leg room because the overhead lockers are full of large cases.


I am so with you in this comment, I travel with so little on the plane, book, iPod,the only time I use the overhead is on a USA tour on the way home as I take a bag in my case to bring back goodies!!..but them it's still so much smaller than huge hold alls..


Glad I'm NOT going to Vienice then!!!!

Don't like the place much anyway. Last time there could not find a seat anywere to sit on except the tables outside cafe's BUT there again you get charged !!!!!!!

Another reason now not to go.


'nixon' wrote:

'Mick wrote:

And one day the people of Venice may come to realise that its tourism that keeps their city afloat. Without it their economy will collapse.

While on the subject I do think that the size of Cabin luggage is getting out of hand (how many things do you need on a plane). It really irritates me when i have to cram my small ruck sack under the seat in front restricting my leg room because the overhead lockers are full of large cases.


I am so with you in this comment, I travel with so little on the plane, book, iPod,the only time I use the overhead is on a USA tour on the way home as I take a bag in my case to bring back goodies!!..but them it's still so much smaller than huge hold alls..


Hi Mick and Cindy

I totally agree with your comments and would add that as I am only 5'2" I have the added problem of actually getting my hand luggage into and out of the overhead on those enormous planes. I have to ask a fellow-passenger for help and so far have found people to be very kind.

'Mick wrote:

And one day the people of Venice may come to realise that its tourism that keeps their city afloat. Without it their economy will collapse.

While on the subject I do think that the size of Cabin luggage is getting out of hand (how many things do you need on a plane). It really irritates me when i have to cram my small ruck sack under the seat in front restricting my leg room because the overhead lockers are full of large cases.

Cheers Mick! :thumbup: Couldn't agree more with both statements.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mick

I totally agree with you. I blame the Airlines for this. They should restrict the size and the weight that travellers can bring as Cabin luggage. Nowadays you see travellers bringing large suitcases and if you are late getting on the plane, then finding a space for your small rucksack is a nightmare. It is amazing that BA restricts hold luggage to 23kg, but also allows travellers to bring the same amount (23kg) as cabin luggage as long as it fits into the correct sized bag. Total madness in my opinion! I think Easy Jet does the same.


  • (Member)
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Mick

I totally agree with you. I blame the Airlines for this. They should restrict the size and the weight that travellers can bring as Cabin luggage. Nowadays you see travellers bringing large suitcases and if you are late getting on the plane, then finding a space for your small rucksack is a nightmare. It is amazing that BA restricts hold luggage to 23kg, but also allows travellers to bring the same amount (23kg) as cabin luggage as long as it fits into the correct sized bag. Total madness in my opinion! I think Easy Jet does the same.



When I recently went to the states with BA, I actually checked with JULIA as I thought the paperwork had been send with wrong information on, I could NOT believe with BA you can have 23kgs in the Hold and 23kgs in the overhead bin, but it was fact...so if you think about it you could have say 3 people's hand luggage at approx 69 kegs in one overhead!! That's not good..

how you doing now you OK, where are you off to next?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Cindy

Yes BA does allow 23kg in the cabin as well as the Hold - why not increase the limit for the Hold luggage and decrease for the Cabin? Whoever made that decision lives on a different planet!

I am doing very well and am off to Marrakech for Christmas - my 4th Just You trip this year. I have already done Italian Dolomites & Croatia, Calabria and Istanbul, Tory, Ephesus. Went a bit 'mad' this year - I guess I was just catching up! It was great to visit Gallipoli. Next year too is planned and am looking forward to the Battlefields in September. Would have done this in May, but am off to Namibia then. Hope you too are doing well and enjoying the grandchildren.


Mick W
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Mick

I totally agree with you. I blame the Airlines for this. They should restrict the size and the weight that travellers can bring as Cabin luggage. Nowadays you see travellers bringing large suitcases and if you are late getting on the plane, then finding a space for your small rucksack is a nightmare. It is amazing that BA restricts hold luggage to 23kg, but also allows travellers to bring the same amount (23kg) as cabin luggage as long as it fits into the correct sized bag. Total madness in my opinion! I think Easy Jet does the same.


Hi Jaya,

In my opinion the solution is quite easy. I estimate that there is approx one luggage locker for 5 every seats on the plane, hence bags should be such a size that 5 bags fit in each locker.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

The only question is whether or not the Airlines would agree with your solution? Whilst flying, I have noticed that some lockers can only fit in a couple of suitcases, which people insist on bringing on the plane. If one of these fell on a passenger's head, he or she will not have any chance of surviving - so there is a greater health and safety issue as well.


  • (Member)
Hi according to an article I read yesterday, there will be no ban of wheeled suitcases in Venice, so we can all enjoy that wonderful city and wheel our cases around as much as we like!!



  • (Member)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi according to an article I read yesterday, there will be no ban of wheeled suitcases in Venice, so we can all enjoy that wonderful city and wheel our cases around as much as we like!!



Well fancy that,


I think they would be better off banning the cruise ships 🙂
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

If they banned the cruise ships and the wheeled suitcases, they will hardly have any tourists. Looks like the Mayor of whoever decided against the ban of wheeled suitcases has seen sense!


  • (Member)
Hi All,

I was very sad to see some people's rather negative views of Venice, which I personally think is one of the most beautiful cities in the world! I'm assuming that those of you who seem to dislike it so much, went in the height of the tourist season, and possibly for only a day trip? I go every year, normally at the beginning of November and stay in the same hotel for at least 5 days, and it has kept me going back for the last 10 years.

For anyone thinking of doing one of the JY tours that takes in Venice, please try it. I was there last month with JY, and despite the rather wet conditions, I still loved it! I will be interested to see if they really do ban wheeled suitcases. Venice has a population of approximately 60,000 but around 20 million tourists visit every year - mostly on day trips from cruise liners.

