• (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I am new to this site and looking to go on the Grand Tour of Italy. When I phoned up to book I enquired about the age range of travellers, I was told it is generally 60-70 year olds.

I don't want to sound rude but I am 50 and looking to join people of a similar age,are there any tours that would apply.



  • (Member)
Hi Di, there are many, many posts on the forum regarding the age range - have a look at some of them! Yes most people are in their 60s and 70s but the age range is actually 20s - 80s. I'm 44 and have been travelling with JY since I was 40. Sometimes I'm the youngest, more often I'm not. As everyone says, age is a state of mind and I find it's generally the folks in their 60s that are the most fun on these hols!

Hope this helps,

Best wishes,


'DiD' wrote:


I am new to this site and looking to go on the Grand Tour of Italy. When I phoned up to book I enquired about the age range of travellers, I was told it is generally 60-70 year olds.

I don't want to sound rude but I am 50 and looking to join people of a similar age,are there any tours that would apply.



Hi Di,

The short answer is Yes, they will all apply. The holidays I have been on have had a range mid-30's to 80+. There may be one or two with whom you don't "click", but generally everyone gets on well together. I am in my 70's and love travelling with all ages. Yes, it may well be that "generally" they are 60-70. But don't forget that an average of 60 means that some will be older and some younger. Go ahead - you will be fine. Don't let a number bother you.


  • (Member)
Hi Di

I am 55 and have been on 10 tours they have all been great for different reasons, the thing that stays the same is the people, age is a number, I worry about the fitness I might be younger but I have been out walked by 80 year olds!, the age range really does work well, and I really like the age difference between people.


Hello Di

Like you, I don't want to appear to be rude, but your post seems to be ageist. What is so special about being 50?

If you are looking for a particular age group then maybe JY holidays are not for you. I have been on 16 JY holidays, meeting people from as young as 23 and, on a trip to China, a lovely gentleman who was a very young 92 years old. This would make you too old for anyone between their 20s - 40s and too young for the 60s - 90s. That's a pity, because I would say the last thing anyone worries about is how old everyone else is, people are too busy enjoying their holiday and getting to know their travelling companions.

Age is just a number, there is only an age gap if you want to make one. Don't let age spoil your chance of enjoying some great JY holidays and the company of people both younger and older than yourself.


Thanks for making that point. As a still young at heart, and reasonably fit "older" traveller, and veteran of six JY holidays, all this ageist talk is begining to make me nervous about future bookings.
  • (Member)

I totally agree with Avocet. My thinking is age is just a number. I rather travel with people of all ages as each one has something different to share.

Sarah, I would not let all this ageist talk make you nervous about future bookings. If you fancy anything, just go ahead and book it. Life is too short to worry about such silly things.


'SarahS' wrote:

Thanks for making that point. As a still young at heart, and reasonably fit "older" traveller, and veteran of six JY holidays, all this ageist talk is begining to make me nervous about future bookings.

Don't let it bother you Sarah, with 6 holidays already under your belt you are obviously someone who enjoys your holidays and can get on with people of all ages. If some want to restrict themselves to a particular age group then in my experience they will be out of luck, JY is open to all-comers and long may it be so.

Happy holidays


  • (Member)
'Avocet64' wrote:

'SarahS' wrote:

Thanks for making that point. As a still young at heart, and reasonably fit "older" traveller, and veteran of six JY holidays, all this ageist talk is begining to make me nervous about future bookings.

Don't let it bother you Sarah, with 6 holidays already under your belt you are obviously someone who enjoys your holidays and can get on with people of all ages. If some want to restrict themselves to a particular age group then in my experience they will be out of luck, JY is open to all-comers and long may it be so.

Happy holidays


Avocet beat me to it, Sarah! You've already been on JY holidays and know that there are all age groups among your fellow travellers. If there are any you don't hit it off with (for several reasons, not just age), you just smile sweetly on first meeting and then make sure you are on the opposite side of the room or group from thereon! The only ageist part of this thread is the initial enquiry and I'm sad that someone should have thought that way - what a lot they must be missing.


I think some people may be missing the point here.

When I enquired about a holiday I was interested in for this Autumn all the people on the trip were 60/70/80+ and I said 'no thanks' and went elsewhere.

Before accusing me of being ageist, please read on.

I have had approx. 10 holidays with JY and all bar one were very enjoyable. In the last few years I've had 3 excellent USA trips, the most recent (Florida) I'd describe as superb. I've been lucky enough to meet and enjoy the company of many people of all ages including people considerably older. These were mixed age groups and a persons age was irrelevant.

The one I didn't enjoy I was a similar age to the original poster on this thread and virtually all of the rest of the group were a great deal older.

One complication is the male / female ratio. I've been on a holiday with 4 men and 36 women, and I believe that is not uncommon

Now I'll make a guess - JY realise that their holidays would be improved, and of course more sold, if they had more younger people, more active people of all ages, and more men. Active holidays have been reintroduced for 2015, and I hope they are successful (especially as I have booked 2 of them already!).

JY holidays are good value well thought out trips, that for me are best enjoyed with a group of all ages and a good male / female ratio.

The response to the original post has been helpful from some emphasising how good mixed ages groups are, but less so from others as the holiday she mentions clearly is not a mixed age group. Calling her ageist for asking what for me is a perfectly reasonable question doesn't help.

Di, can I make a suggestion. JY is fortunate in that it has excellent travel advisers who I've always found to be very helpful. Why not phone them and talk things through to find the right holiday for you? There are some great holiday experiences awaiting - don't miss out.

Hi Di,

Don't let any of the responses to your question put you off, I am under 50 and have only been on 2 JY holidays but have travelled extensively with other sole travel companies. If you wish to find out the age range of the people who have booked a holiday that JY do, you can as Julia in the "Ask the editor" section and she will tell you the approximate ages of the people on that trip.

Unfortunately age always seems to be a touchy subject and it put me off using JY for the longest time because when I researched the company, it seemed to be tailored to a certain age group. But I liked the fact that on this forum there seems to be many people of all different ages and that there didn't seem to be many complaints about their holidays etc. Their results in feefo were really excellent- I only found one complaint about age. So I took a chance and the people I have met on both my holidays (young or old) have been amazing and the difference in ages really wasn't an issue.I am sure like me and many others, you will find a group of like minded people to hang around with and share you travel experiences.


Mick W
Can only speak from personal experience and would agree 60's is the most common group but will add there are as many people under 60 than more than 69.

Range generally starts around the 40 mark but have met many under that age.

Just back from Americas Heart & Soul and one Lady celebrated her 40th birthday on the trip and she wasn't the youngest. Was a good mixed group with quite a even spread of ages.

My next trip is to Croatia for Christmas and to be honest find holidays abroad at this time of year does attract a slightly older group, thats not saying they wont be younger people be i could be the youngest but dont see it as an issue. I'm mid 50's for the record.


'DiD' wrote:


I am new to this site and looking to go on the Grand Tour of Italy. When I phoned up to book I enquired about the age range of travellers, I was told it is generally 60-70 year olds.

I don't want to sound rude but I am 50 and looking to join people of a similar age,are there any tours that would apply.



Hi I went on the trip to Calabria in Italy and there were lots of travellers in their 40's on this one.

Good luck Jane

'DiD' wrote:


I am new to this site and looking to go on the Grand Tour of Italy. When I phoned up to book I enquired about the age range of travellers, I was told it is generally 60-70 year olds.

I don't want to sound rude but I am 50 and looking to join people of a similar age,are there any tours that would apply.



Hi Di

I did this holiday last September and the age range was from 40 upwards and there was about 35 of us. The holiday is fabulous and really not to be missed. I was 60 at the time and the ladies I befriended were between 40 and 65 and age was not an issue and I have kept in touch by email with a few people I have met on this holiday and others with Just You. I'm off to the Dolomites and Croatia next May and can't wait. I would just go for it, I haven't had a bad Just you holiday and I have been on 8 now.


Sue Southampton
'DiD' wrote:


I am new to this site and looking to go on the Grand Tour of Italy. When I phoned up to book I enquired about the age range of travellers, I was told it is generally 60-70 year olds.

I don't want to sound rude but I am 50 and looking to join people of a similar age,are there any tours that would apply.








Alison O
'DiD' wrote:


I am new to this site and looking to go on the Grand Tour of Italy. When I phoned up to book I enquired about the age range of travellers, I was told it is generally 60-70 year olds.

I don't want to sound rude but I am 50 and looking to join people of a similar age,are there any tours that would apply.



I am in my late 30's and did the classic cities of Italy tour in October. The one i went on is virtually identical to the first week of the tour you're looking at. The tour was about half men, half women. There were two people in their late 20's, two people in their 30's, a few in their 40's and then other ages ranging up to 79. The young and old mixed very well and we were like one big family after just a day. It is surprising how quickly you make friends. It was an amazing trip, my first with Just You. I too, was worried about the ages but i needn't have been. It was the most amazing trip. We saw so many places and had many laughs along the way. I lost count of the number of steps we climbed in a week (up bell towers, churches, leaning tower - all optional!!). I can honestly say that after going on this brilliant tour i can't imagine ever wanting to travel without a bus-load of people ever again. Don't think about it too much, just book it. You will have a holiday to remember :thumbup: