(Member) (Topic Starter)
i cant make up my mind!!! CHICAGO TO NEW ORLEANS or THE GOLDEN GATE TOUR, what do you guys prefer?
  • (Member)
Hi do you mean the Golden West tour? I did this in 2011 and thoroughly enjoyed it. However, to be honest the new US tour that includes Yosemite looks much better and if I was to do another US tour that would be the one for me! The Chicago tour doesn't appeal much to me as I don't like blues or jazz music although I'd like to see New Orleans.

I hope you choose the tour that's right for you and have a great time!



Mick W
Thats a good question and should be able to answer it properly in about 4 weeks time when I return from the Chicago to New Orleans holiday.

What i can say is I did the Golden West holiday back in 2010 for my first JY trip and absolutely loved it and think its still my favorite trip. The places you visit on route and the scenary is fantastic.

However been a fan of Blues Music think for me the holiday coming up is a bg one, got a few good night spots planned already.

Two completely different types of holiday for me both excellent.

(Member) (Topic Starter)
yes I did mean THE GOLDEN WEST TOUR lol, well I will have a good read tonight and try and decide, if not I will just have to do both wont I?? thanks for the feedback