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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello. Ok am a new member. I recently lost my partner and am terrified of going on holiday alone. Any tips?
'Anne66' wrote:

Hello. Ok am a new member. I recently lost my partner and am terrified of going on holiday alone. Any tips?

Hi Anne,

First of all, sorry to hear your news. You are obviously thinking about taking the next steps, so well done.

If you have not already done so can I suggest you read the very first posting the section above this one, under "Reassurance....." I hope it helps to explain that what you are feeling is what a lot of us on the forum have been through, and may help you to decide where to go.

There is just a word of warning. When you get back from your first trip you will find you have been bitten - by the travel bug!


Hi Anne, The first step is to book, and once you get to the airport and meet your fellow travellers you will

wonder what all the fuss was about.


Hi Anne

Sorry to hear of your recent loss. As the others have said just go for it. The fact you have had a look on the JY site and come here to ask for tips shows you'll do/be fine. Thankfully I am not a widow (or alone in the real world) but I am off on my first JY holiday on Wednesday of this week and I can't wait to see new places and meet new people.

The way I looked at it was "what's the worst thing that can happen" if I book? The answer was that I'd not find anyone that I got along with and if that was the case (that I really very much doubt) at least everything is organised and I get to visit places I want to go and see things I want to see.

Let us know what you decide and where you end up choosing to visit 🙂

  • (Member)
'Anne66' wrote:

Hello. Ok am a new member. I recently lost my partner and am terrified of going on holiday alone. Any tips?

Hello Anne,

Very sorry to know that you are in the same predicament as I am. I lost my husband recently. My children want me to 'find myself' after 46 years of marriage and at 66 years of age. It is not easy when you only have to think for yourself and about yourself. I have always wanted to go to Australia but my husband didn't, too long a journey. I know he would want me to get on with my life and do what I always wanted to do but couldn't, by putting my husband, children and grandchildren first.

After much soul searching, crying, hesitating and reading other people's views in this forum, I am about to book myself for Amazing Australia tour for 11th March. I am hoping by the time, its time to leave for the tour, I would find the courage to go on my own on a holiday for the first time. Good thing is, my fellow travellers will be on their own too.

So I would say, have a wobble or two by all means, but like myself, you would also need to 'find yourself.'


  • (Member)
Hello Anne,

There are many widows/widowers on here who have taken the first step. I shall be on my 5th trip in 4 weeks and I have certainly been bitten by the travel bug. Pick somewhere you have always wanted to go to, you will not be disappointed :)


  • (Member)
Hi Anne

Unfortunately for those left behind, life has to go on. Be brave and just go ahead and choose a destination you always wanted to visit and book it. Life is too short.



'Dyuti' wrote:

'Anne66' wrote:

Hello. Ok am a new member. I recently lost my partner and am terrified of going on holiday alone. Any tips?

Hello Anne,

Very sorry to know that you are in the same predicament as I am. I lost my husband recently. My children want me to 'find myself' after 46 years of marriage and at 66 years of age. It is not easy when you only have to think for yourself and about yourself. I have always wanted to go to Australia but my husband didn't, too long a journey. I know he would want me to get on with my life and do what I always wanted to do but couldn't, by putting my husband, children and grandchildren first.

After much soul searching, crying, hesitating and reading other people's views in this forum, I am about to book myself for Amazing Australia tour for 11th March. I am hoping by the time, its time to leave for the tour, I would find the courage to go on my own on a holiday for the first time. Good thing is, my fellow travellers will be on their own too.

So I would say, have a wobble or two by all means, but like myself, you would also need to 'find yourself.'


What a star of a letter this is Dyuti. You have summed up perfectly the feelings of a great many of us, it takes a lot of courage to take that first step. In my experience taking that step has been one of the best things I have done towards rebuilding my life. Good luck and happy traveling.


Alison O
I've just got back from my first trip to Italy and have not laughed so much in ages. The other travellers were brilliant and the tour was amazing. Take the plunge, it's worth it.
  • (Member)
Hello All,

Glad you had a great first trip Alison. Lake Garda was my second trip and my first visit to Italy. My first trip was to Jordan and Cairo, the food at Hotel Bristol, Amman was a buffet. I and another gentleman used to see how many different desserts we could pile onto our plates- he usually won :P
