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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi there, I am going on the Mexico tour - land of the Maya on31st Oct, is there anyone else going on this? It would be be good to make contact with you before the actual holiday.
Hi, I am on this tour as well. This is my first JY tour, but not my first as a solo traveller (& this is even my first post here!) I had originally looked at doing this with Travelsphere but their dates did not fit my diary & then came across JY. I have wanted to do this trip for some time & had intended going some time ago & it was when I saw I still had the guide book I had bought I decided I had better get booking! I am based on the Isle of Wight and because of the timings and the Solent crossing I will head to the airport the night before although I have not booked anywhere yet.
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Nice to hear from you. This will be my 3rd tour with JY and if it is like the other 2 then we will have a good time. Mexico is somewhere I've been wanting to visit for a long time so am really looking forward to it. I live in the West Midlands so to avoid a very early start I am also travelling down the day before and spending the night in a hotel near the airport although like you have not booked it yet. One I have found which looks quite reasonable and is close to the airport is a hotel called the 'Thistle' so I will be trying to book a room there, hopefully, in the next couple of days.
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi me again. Have just booked at the Thistle hotel, near terminal 5. Very good deal - only £66.
I subscribe to National Geographic Traveller magazine. According the taster for next month there is a feature on Mexico - no further details given. The next edition is due out on 2nd October.
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
I'll look out for that edition - it might be useful for our holiday. Thanks for the heads up.]
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Yes, had a look at the magazine in the newsagents but didn't buy it because as you say it doesn't relate to our itenerary. Have got a Lonely Planet guide book though which is very informative. I noticed that we were arriving at the time of the Day of the Dead festival and did wonder if there would be any chance of seeing some of what goes on, have to wait and see. When all the travel documents arrived it made me realise just how close the holiday is and I'm starting to get quite excited about it now. Have got my pesos and booked my coach down to Heathrow for next Thursday for the hotel overnight stay - just got to sort out what to pack in my case, at least we have got a decent weight allowance! See you at the airport.
I checked out the hotel you referred to & noticed the link to T5 so booked myself in there as well. I am debating a taxi from Southampton! I broke my shoulder in the summer. There are trains Southampton to Heathrow but they invariably involve changes & I do not know if these involve steps etc. All fit for travel but I do not want to do myself a(nother) injury before I get to the airport!! Given the cost of the train, & I would need a taxi in Southampton anyway, the extra cost is not really a lot more. It is also quicker. And I don't have to carry anything! I'm talking myself into this:-) Might book a cab back as well.....

Re your other post about money I've never been to Mexico so I have no idea how much meals etc will cost on the day so am erring on the side of caution.

Let packing commence....

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, taxi from Southampton sounds like a good idea, especially if there is not that much extra to pay and as you say you don't have to haul your luggage about, you can just sit back and relax. I am travelling from Birmingham down to Heathrow (5) by National Express coach and then just have to get the hoppa bus or pod to the hotel. Just seen the post from David with some handy tips for the holiday: it's good to have a bit of an idea before you travel. Will be doing my packing tomorrow - can't believe how quickly it has come round! I might see you around the hotel on Thursday then. Really looking forward to this holiday.
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Meant to say that I use a public computer at my local library so this will be my last post before holiday, just in case you reply and wonder why I don't respond! Again, hopefully see you around the hotel.
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