  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

this is my first time travelling on my own, i am very nervous about it.

just cross fingers

hoping to get to talk to anyone else going or have been so i know what is going to happen



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

can anyone tell me if any one else is booked booked one this holiday


  • (Member)
Hello Caroline

Don't worry not everyone uses the JY notice boards I am sure you won't be alone, If you post on the editors board with the tour and the date you are going,Julia will be able to give you age range how many are booked M/F ratio that sort of thing...

I am not on this tour, but I have been on many JY tours so if you have any other questions please just ask.


  • (Member)
Hi Caroline, I'm new to this forum but not to JustYou holidays, having done a couple already. I am also booked for Vietnam, but going 17th September. It's been on my list of "must-see" places for ages, so really looking forward to it. I have a few friends who have been and say it was their best holiday ever !

I'll be back before you go, so if there's anything vital that you might find useful, I'll let you know. I noticed on the main holiday page on the website, there was an article in the form of Q&A's from previous travellers there, which I found really useful.

You'll be fine. Most people that come back from their first 'solo' holiday wondering why they didn't do it sooner 🙂


'cazley' wrote:


can anyone tell me if any one else is booked booked one this holiday


Hi Caroline. I've just booked it last week, It's my third trip with JY. I was so scared first time but they so easy I'm still a bit nervous as my last 2 groups were great so hoping this will be the same. Trip looks amazing though