  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi there,

I have booked my first JY holiday for September. Exciting times ahead! Has anyone else booked this yet and any idea on vaccinations needed for this.


  • (Member)

great tour I went a few years ago and like you in September I also did the add on which I thoroughly enjoyed....You will need a few vaccinations make an appointment with your practice nurse or whoever can help you at the doctors if memory serves me well it's only the yellow fever one you pay for, you will have to get malaria tablets and start them before you go all while your away and most importantly when you come back you have to lay for these as well but you will need a prescription, most people go for malerone has the least side effects. you will have a fantastic time say hello to the elephants for me...any questions just ask.


'Solo.pony' wrote:

Hi there,

I have booked my first JY holiday for September. Exciting times ahead! Has anyone else booked this yet and any idea on vaccinations needed for this.


Hi I have booked to go on this same tour,really looking forward to it,I have booked the add on, hope there Will be plenty to do as I don't like sitting to much. A little concerned about the length of the flight... not sure about yellow fever jab as we don't go near any places with yellow fever. Would love to hear from you.

  • (Member)
Check with your practice nurse what you need, when I went we had to have yellow fever. It don't know if the itinerary has changed but with the add on it was to laze around the pool, I am sure the local rep could find you something to visit, the only thing we did while there was visit a local aids orphanage, you get a taxi and it waits for you, do not go any where with out others or a known taxi. Better to be safe.

Great holiday and memories....

if you have any questions please ask...


'Solo.pony' wrote:

Hi there,

I have booked my first JY holiday for September. Exciting times ahead! Has anyone else booked this yet and any idea on vaccinations needed for this.


hi 'have booked for 17sept with the beach add on.I have been with jy before they look after you well.

'Solo.pony' wrote:

Hi there,

I have booked my first JY holiday for September. Exciting times ahead! Has anyone else booked this yet and any idea on vaccinations needed for this.


Hi Solo pony,

I am in the process of booking this holiday(my first),as yet no idea of vaccinations needed,hope JY will tell me.


  • (Member)
JY are in a tricky position with regards to giving medical advice, I would always go with what Cindy (Nixon) says and seek advice from your Practice Nurse. Some surgeries have specific Travel Clinics - just make sure you go at least eight weeks before you travel to allow any inoculations a chance to work. If you've not been far afield before it can seem a little extreme with the number of jabs needed, but remember they mostly last several years and it's a good excuse to go elsewhere afterwards to get your monies worth!

Have a brilliant trip.

  • (Member)
'sallyc' wrote:

JY are in a tricky position with regards to giving medical advice, I would always go with what Cindy (Nixon) says and seek advice from your Practice Nurse. Some surgeries have specific Travel Clinics - just make sure you go at least eight weeks before you travel to allow any inoculations a chance to work. If you've not been far afield before it can seem a little extreme with the number of jabs needed, but remember they mostly last several years and it's a good excuse to go elsewhere afterwards to get your monies worth!

Have a brilliant trip.


Yes this is exactly what I would of said, certain countries it's the same jabs for every one other times it can depend on your age or your health, so that's why JY are not in a position to give out this information, so please make an appointment at your doctors to gain the correct information for you personally, you most probably will also need a prescription for malaria tablets as well, they are cheaper on line, most of the people on the tour I was on went for malerone (think that's how it's spelt) as it had the least side effects, and you need a script for an amount before you go all while your away and for a while when you come home, it's most important you take the whole cycle. The only medication I paid for was malerone and the yellow fever jab as there is document ion the doctor needs to fill in with that one. The other jabs were free.

it's a great holiday and please don't let any of the jabs etc put you off, if I can help with anything else just ask.
