Kathy Hales
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Departing 22nd January 2014 (15 days to go) Australia and New Zealand for 36 days just had massive panic attack!!! Never done this type of trip before. Any fellow travellers out there? KathyHales
  • (Member)

WOW what a tour to do you will have so much fun, I have visited OZ independently and I have been to NZ loved spending time at Milford Sound with JY in 2012. I loved both countries so much to see. I really did enjoy Ayres Rock, and I found the Australian people really nice to get in with. If you have any questions I will try and answer them.

Just have a great time, and enjoy each and every second, you will be fine I am sure.


  • (Member)
Hi Kathy

I did Australia in March 2012 and it was my first solo trip having lost my husband 18 months earlier. I went through quite a lot of emotions beforehand from being blasé about going to not going many times in a day. My mum was seriously ill a few days before I was to go and I thought it was not meant to be but my family encouraged me to go thank goodness. It was amazing and I loved every minute of it and would love to do it all again. I went on a hot air balloon in Alice springs and climbed the Sydney harbour bridge which was a real coup for me because I don't like heights. Everyone on the trip was really friendly and I had a ball. So don't panic Kathy just go and enjoy it you will love it.


'Kathy wrote:

Departing 22nd January 2014 (15 days to go) Australia and New Zealand for 36 days just had massive panic attack!!! Never done this type of trip before. Any fellow travellers out there? KathyHales

Hi Kathy

Don't panic! As Cindy says you'll be fine. I chose NZ as my first JY holiday in March 2010 and had such a blast, I've been overdosing on holidays ever since!

Not many travellers use the community pages so you might not get a response.

Enjoy your trip, just go with an open mind and once you've settled in you'll wonder why you hadn't booked sooner. Try and do all the extras if you can afford to. Oz is on my radar in a couple of years time. I'm off to Cuba in March...



Kathy Hales
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for your reply I feel better already I am sure when I make contact with my fellow travellers at Heathrow I will be ok its typical of me to jump in feet first, no working my up to the big one!


Kathy Hales
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Cindy

Thanks for your comments Im sure I will have a great time, perhaps you have some tips on packing obviously Ive never had to organise packing for this length of time?


  • (Member)

packing is always a nightmare the most I have been away I think was 22 nights?...which was bad enough, if you don't have any allergies regarding soaps and shampoos may I suggest you just take some travel size ones you like! and then in between just used what is on offer, most if not all hotels provide you with something. Clothes just go for layering on and off depending on the temperature and I would definitely take a light anorak type of thing, I have a very good one for touring that is three things! a warm anorak! or I can take out the fleece lining and wear that on its own and then I end up with a very light weigh anorak I can fold into a bag just in case!.I would say pack for 10-14 days..... There will be washing / drying facility's for clothes in SOME hotels but not all of them and also you won't be the only one trying to wash a few bits through, I sorted a bag of washing out before I left so then I just grabbed it as soon as I got to the hotel and put a load on, try and time it so you can hang it on hangers overnight or if you have a 2 night stop even better. So check online to see what hotels have washing machines and mark them on your itinerary, there's no fun in walking around with an armful of washing to find no machines!!!. Hotels do provide powder you have to pay for it, and you have to pay for the use of the machine, I always carry a small bag of travel wash for those emergency washes. Take clothes your comfy in there are many, many, many hours spent sitting, Most hotels have hair dryers and some have irons and ironing boards so do research online to see what's provided. There are normally tea/coffee making facility's to. So I normally pick a few extra tea bags sugars etc up from the breakfast table so I have a stash to use as well, I do like a cuppa TEA!..It can be hard taking food stuff into these countries by air, so I do not bother.

On the NZ tour where we just had say 1 night in hotel, we found it a good idea just to put what was needed for the next day in a small hold all, less for us to unpack and worry about and it SAVED the driver hauling everyone's large cases off, so if you can try and get a very lightweight hold all, or even use it for you hand luggage on the plane.

think that's it...

Make sure your drinking plenty of water, embrace the long flight and enjoy the fantastic tour. saying hello to OZ and NZ from me...
