  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Sorry!! Probably a silly question but someone must know. I moved house about 12 months ago and have just thought I never notified the 'Passport Office' but now I notice my address doesn't show on my passport. So, do I have to notify the passport office of my change of address or doesn't it matter. Looked on their web-site but can't find anything on it about change of address. Thanks to all who help.
  • (Member)

I am sure you do not have to notify the passport office of your change of address. You have to notify them if you change your name.



  • (Member)

I renew mine through the post office so if you have one near perhaps ask them..but if I was you then YES I would notify them of a change of address! as this is a legal document I think they need to have the correct information..

Hope you can get some one in authority to answer the question factually.

Good luck


Hi Stevmag

A passport is an official document which proves your identity not your address. Other forms of documents prove address ie driving licence, utility bills etc. So, no you do not need to let the passport office know. Just think, if every UK passport holder was to bombard them with address changes they would never get any work done!!!



Hi Stevmag,

I can confirm that you don't need to let the passport office know you have changed address - its just names and gender changes that matter to them!!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for the information. I can stop worrying now as I've only got 4 weeks before my holiday.
No, you do not need to notify passports of change of address. I have moved house twice since getting this one, and used it several times and there has never been any question. The only thing to be sure of is the time remaining on it after your return, sometimes up to 6 months or so might be required.
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