Poets muse
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello community,

I am considering going away over the Xmas and NY period. I am off work from Dec 16th to Jan 6th. I was looking at Asia or maybe Australia or Japan. To be honest I haven't got a clue at the moment. I love photography and exploring but do find it a scary...any tips or advice would be most appreciate.

  • (Member)

Just pick a destination you always wanted to visit and book it. Travelling with Just You is fantastic. You do not have to worry about anything. You travel with like minded people of all ages and will not be on your own. If you fancy spending some time on your own then that too is fine.



Hi Poets Muse,

I think Japan would be really cold over our Christmas period. But probably very beautiful if you could get out of the cities. Unfortunately JY haven't got any Japan trips running at the moment but there are rumours ...

I think there is a JY tour to Vietnam which is running over Christmas, it sounds brilliant - maybe one for the wish list for when the kids are grown up!


Vietnam in September was brilliant I can't imagine it being less so at any time, like you it was my first solo trip and I am so glad I conquered my nerves and did it. Whatever or where ever you decide have a wonderful time, it will be impossible not to
I went to China in August this year and it was my first JY tour. It was the best holiday I've ever had; lots to see and do and I can highly recommend Just You. I don't know what the weather will be like over Christmas there but I do believe they run a tour to China at that time. Wherever you choose to go I'm sure you'll have a great holiday; the group I travelled with were friendly and our tour guide superb. Marie
  • (Member)
poets muse

Welcome I have just booked my 10th JY holiday, this is a very safe way to travel and see lots of sights and meet new friends, some just for the time your away others to keep in touch with. I have not been to Asia or Japan, but I have been to Australia independently and what a fantastic country, I love this country and the people, I travelled to Sydney, Cairns ! Ayers Rock and then back to Sydney ....fantastic time and memories galore...I did a hot air balloon flight in cairns and a helicopter flight over Ayers Rock and the Olga's! stunning???so I hope one day you get to visit my most favourite country. I was worried about the long flight but time did pass and I just thought about my holiday and what I was going to do on the way out and on the way back, I couldn't wait to get home to tell!!!! People all about it.

If I can help with anything else just ask.

Have Fun


Poets muse
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I thank you all for your helpful replies. I did look at the Vietnam trip and was almost going to book it and noticed the travel days did not go out on the time I have off work. My problem now is finding a holiday that actually fits the dates. Due to the encouraging replies here I will go, it's just where during the dates I need. 17 - 19 Dec through to 3 - 4th Jan...any suggestions?
Poets muse
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you Cindy

My biggest problem at the moment is matching dates on JY with my travel dates. There seems to be a gap just where I want to travel? But I will keep looking:-)

Thanks again.


  • (Member)

I had a quick look at holidays putting your dates in and I saw

Vietnam at Christmas depart 18th December..13 day tour

Peru depart 20th December ...11 day tour

USA Golden West depart 23rd December....12 day tour..

Could any of them work for you..

There are of course many others closer to home... I have not done any if the above tours so I can not help you on what's in offer.
