  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi there, not long now to the hol I received my tickets the other night. What I did notice is there is no executive lounge on this holiday for everyone to get to know each other. Would anybody be interested in meeting up in a cafe/bar in Heathrow so it doesnt seem so daunting travelling alone? I am not familiar with Heathrow so if anybody can suggest a place to meet that would be great. Looking forward to meeting you all - Angela 🙂 x
  • (Member)

Have a look at the BAA Heathrow website. They have really good maps of all the terminals showing where all the shops/cafes/bars are so you can see where would be an appropriate meeting place.

Hope you have a great trip - Kenya is a wonderful country.


  • (Member)
Don't forget stick your JY baggage labels on so people can see your travellng with JY they are a great conversational starter !! What about hanging around check in till others arrive and go through passport control together?

I loved this tour you will have fun
