  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Apologies for the long absence. I was in London from 6 - 30 June going through the process of stem cell transplant (bone marrow transplant). I had very strong chemo everyday for the frist six days and had a day's rest after which my harvested stem cells were transplanted back. During this time (10 days) I was staying at Macmillan Cancer Centre's hotel Cotton Rooms and was admitted to UCLH on Sunday 16 June when I started feeling very unwell. I was warned about all the side effects, but remained positive thinking that I will be lucky to escapte the worst. Unfortunately it was not so, and I was very poorly for 2 weeks. I would not wish this on anyone! I was discharged on 30 June and first week back at home was not very good either. I still have some side effects to get rid of, but am feeling better each day. Now I am looking forward to planning my 2014 holidays once I receive the new brochures.



  • (Member)

Thank you for sharing this journey with us all....I hope each each day as you say there is an improvement, baby steps is the way to go....is this it for the moment or is there more to come?...I so hope you can get a break next year to explore but also re charge.....like you we are all eagerly awaiting the new brochure....

You take care of your self..

God Bless


Julie White
Hello Jaya,

I hope that you are feeling a lot better now. Be strong and take care.

I know that everyone on this site sends you their best wishes.

Looking forward to meeting you one day on one of these fantastic trips sadly it won't be Kerala.

Warmest regards Julie

Mel P
  • (Member)
Dear Jaya,

Welcome back to the Forum. It sounds as if you had a rough time of it.

One thing you can rely on though is that we both know you will have a good holiday with Just You next year. I am not sure Egypt is the best place at present but hopefully things will die down in a year's time should you decide to go on that tour health permitting. The Pyramids and the Nile Cruise was the first tour I did with Just You and as you know I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Good to have you back.

Best wishes. Mel

Mick W
  • (Member)

Thanks for the update and its pleasing to hear that the worst of the side effects are now behind you.

I hope your recovery is soon complete and you are jumping on that plane for your well deserved next holiday.


Hi Jaya, I have been thinking about yiu, so a glad you have posted your progress.

I send you all my very best wishes, and hugs for a speedy recovery so that you can get on with the rest of your life, and lots of holidays. Love n hugz xx:thumbup:

  • (Member)
Hi Jaya, so glad to hear that you are getting that bit better every day. Please God you'll continue to improve and put this difficult time behind you. Here's hoping you'll be able to book a brilliant holiday for next year and have fun planning it in the mean time.

Take care,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you ladies for your good wishes. Cindy, this is it now. I have completed the treatment and all I have to do now is look after myself and regain my strength. Like you say, baby steps is the way to go. I just listen to my body and rest as much as I can. The rest can wait.

Julie, sadly I will miss Kerala as it is not on offer next year, but I know you are going to have a fantastic time. I am sure that one day I will be able to visit Kerala.



Hi Jaya

Wishing you a speedy recovery and your attitude is very positive which helps a lot. Take each day as it comes and plan your next holiday when you are a hundred percent something nice to look forward to.

Di x

Keeping you in my thoughts Jaya! All best wishes for your continued recovery.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you all for your good wishes.

I have today received my new Just You brochure so am already planning for next year.

Bob, I am very tempted to join you for Costa Rica / Nicaragua. I think I may go for it and hope there is a place left when I am ready to book.


  • (Member)
Hi Jaya,

Every time I read the itinerary for that tour I get a little more excited! I'm sure there will be a place for you and it would be lovely to meet you in the flesh so to speak!! I hope you are feeling good today and able to enjoy the lovely sunshine.

Take care,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bob

It looks very likely that I will go for Costa Rica/Nicaragua for next year since Nile Cruise is not on offer. I am sure that Just You will not remove South Africa/Zambia add on from the brochure as it seems a very popular holiday as I plan to do this in 2015.

I am still quite weak from the treatment but it is lovely to see the sunshine. Some days are better than others, but I am very positive that within a week or so I will feel much better.



  • (Member)
Glad all is progressing well for you, small steps forward every day I hope ...I am loving the sunshine I just wish I could not do anything but soak up the rays, but busy days for me..will get a bit more free time in August, but have another grand baby due then...

I hope you can get the holidays that you so need in 2014.

X Take Care X


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Cindy. Will be booking a holiday for next year as soon as I start feeling a bit strong - Costa Rica / Nicaragua is the one. Am already getting excited!
