  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
SO what year did you start using JY for holidays...lets see who has been around the longest...regarding using JY..

I started in September 1st tour was USA (Boston-NewEngland-New York)

My Father had died in January 2006 and for me it was cathartic for me, to in the first place runaway from dealing with his death but in time it has made me realise life to short and I want to visit as much of this world as I can while I am here. He loved to travel and so I Am carrying on where he left off.


Hi Cindy

i have not been using JY for long well about six weeks or so when i booked to go to Australia this November, i cannot wait!!! but used Travelsphere a few times when they used to find another single traveller to room share with you, i went on a USA west coast tour in 1989 when i was paired up with a chap from Telford, David Grainger, about 45 miles from me and we kept in touch for a while and also did a Nile cruise in 1991 and was paired up with a older chap called George, have also used Travelsphere with friends, Austria in 1988 i think and Paris & euro disney in 1992 just after it opened and took my young niece and nephew, oh also did Far East Tour with Travelsphere in 1992 where i teamed up with a lady called Margaret but NO didn't room share lol and again kept in touch for a while


Dave 🙂

Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Cindy,

I did my first trip in June 2010 (Americas Golden West) which was almost a year after losing my partner and wanted to travel with others despite having travelled totally solo many times over the years.

I enjoyed the holiday so much booked a 2nd later that year and the rest is history so they say.

Got my 9th holiday coming up next month and my 10th in September.


Hi Cindy, my first JY tour will be in April to Americas Golden West. I'm not a very confident traveller but I have a cheapie week in Zante every year on my own because I'm very familiar with it (used to go there a lot when I was married). I've always been in the habit of saving money for the future and then, last year, I suddenly woke up to the fact that THIS IS my future 🙂, who knows how much longer I'll be fit enough to travel (I'm only 58 but you never know what's around the corner!). So I decided to take the plunge and do a long-haul trip with JY while I'm still a 'youngster'!! Sue
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

You will be fine, don't worry this is a great way to single travel. HONEST!!:thumbup:

I plan to carry on doing long haul while the body is able, I can do short haul in my dotage LOL.....


Blmey you will be overtaking me soon on JY tours.. I can't have that can I lol!!:blush:


You will have a blast in Australia I went in 2007 I think :exclamation:

I just love that country Ayres Rock was just amazing and why I went to Oz ...did a helicopter flight over it and the Olgas what a memory.....


  • (Member)
Hi, My first trip with JY to America Golden West in April, A little bit older than you Sue, but Young at Heart, looking foreward to meeting you.


Mick W
  • (Member)

I was thinking that, lol.

Think the fact I've started doing xmas hols last couple of years has given me edge (one long haul touring, one european + xmas= 3 JY hols per year).


  • (Member)
Hello everyone

I only started using Just You in September 2009. My first trip was to Jordan and since then I have had 3 more Just You holidays. I could not travel anywhere in 2011 as I was undergoing chemo treatment and had to cancel my 2 holidays booked for this year as I need more chemotherapy. Will definitely rebook my two holidays as soon as I have got the all clear. I hope to catch up with Cindy soon!


  • (Member)
My 1st JY holiday was November 2003 to China.

I had perviously to this used Solo's for 2 trips, but have used JY/travelsphere since


May 2011, first trip out to Cilento Coast, where I will be returning in a few weeks. Can't wait!

I really rate JY. The holidays are excellent value for money, not having to pay a single room supplement is a HUGE bonus. You can be with the group or not, it's up to you. Personally the BIG thing for me is having people to eat with and be with in the evening.

My one quibble is the lack of regional departures for European holidays, everything is Gatwick based, or nearly everything. It pushes prices up so much for us from the Midlands and the North.

Auntie D
'Jaya' wrote:

Hello everyone

I only started using Just You in September 2009. My first trip was to Jordan and since then I have had 3 more Just You holidays. I could not travel anywhere in 2011 as I was undergoing chemo treatment and had to cancel my 2 holidays booked for this year as I need more chemotherapy. Will definitely rebook my two holidays as soon as I have got the all clear. I hope to catch up with Cindy soon!


Hello all,

My first trip with JY was 1995!! Can't believe it's been so long since I first joined.

Every trip I've had has been really enjoyable, met some lovely people, wonderful sights ~ USA and Europe ~ next trip is Tuscany on 23/5. Just can't wait.



  • (Member)
My wife died in 2006, but very nervous about holidaying on my own. Tried 'taster' cruise down Nile. So enjoyed next year I went to China, then Canada/Alaska, Australia and booked for New Zealand this year. In between main holidays I have been on two Christmas breaks plus Istanbul and Monet's garden.

Like Nixon (we must have met somewhere) I will keep going until I am too decrepit.

  • (Member)
So far only done 1 trip,2008 did the walks and castles of the mosselle valley,have booked 2 for this year,heart of alpine europe,and the national parks monument valley and little big horn.


Julie White
Hi There

I did my first trip in 2002 to China. I was really nervous going on my own I was 38. Since then I have done six other trips and I have three planned for this year. Istanbul city break, Apulia and Kerela.

Any one thinking of taking the plunge, just do it you won't look back


  • (Member)
Hello everyone.

I can't quite beat Denise, but my first holiday with JY was in September 2000 to the USA (Parks and Canyons). We had a nice surprise when we found out a film crew were coming with us to do a report for the 'Holiday Solutions' TV programme with Carol Smillie - (although she didn't come with us!) I still have it on video tape somewhere!!

I'm looking forward to my next trip - Florida in May.


China 2005, fantastic holiday (as are the 2 others i have done with JY)
