  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello, I know there are at least 19 of us going on this trip ,but no one seems anxious to speak to me. It's my first holiday alone and I'm getting a bit scared,now.

Has anyone been to Andalucia before? Is this your first trip, too? Please reply.


Hi Frank,don't be scared.Lot's of people don't use the community site.It's not because they are not friendly,it's just not their cup of tea.

I've been on the Andalucia trip last year and had a fab time with a really nice bunch of people.If the tour manager is Claire,she's fab,very professional and friendly.We all had a really chilled time,Mijas is lovely.We had get together nights with music and dance and lounge facilities/library for those who didn't care much for that sort of thing.The first day will feel a bit strange probably but by day two you will be well on the way to have a great time and I bet you will go ahead and book another holiday.Relax,you'll be fine.Have a great time,all the best.

Hi Frank,don't be scared.Lot's of people don't use the community site.It's not because they are not friendly,it's just not their cup of tea.

I went to Andalucia last year and had a wonderful time.Mijas is lovely,a really chilled place and interesting trip's.If your rep is Claire,she's fab,very professional and friendly and fun.We had a couple of nights with music and dance but with facilities for those who don't care for that sort of thing.The first day may feel a little strange but by day two you will be well on the way to have a great time.I bet it won't be the last trip that you book.Have a smashing time,best wishes Dee

  • (Member)
Hi Frank, no need to be scared it's only a holiday!! But seriously you've picked a very nice one to start with - I went on this hol as my first JY tour and really enjoyed it. Nice hotel and food, lots of interesting trips and not too hectic. Hope you get Claire Mellor as your tour manager, she is fantastic. Don't worry about people not responding on the forum; in my experience only maybe a quarter or less of those travelling with JY also use the forum - it's a pity, as I've found it invaluable and good fun too. But a lot of folks only use their computer when they have to. Also quite a few check the forum a couple of weeks before they go, so you might want to post a thread again during April. Hope you have a great holiday,


Auntie D
'Frankieb' wrote:

Hello, I know there are at least 19 of us going on this trip ,but no one seems anxious to speak to me. It's my first holiday alone and I'm getting a bit scared,now.

Has anyone been to Andalucia before? Is this your first trip, too? Please reply.



Hi Frank,

Please don't be scared ~ not everyone taking JY holidays uses these forums!! I'm not going on this particular holiday this year but went about 3 years ago. You really will enjoy yourself, the holiday was great and I met some wonderful people.

I've been on 8 JY tours both in Europe and the USA and enjoyed every single one of them, the mix of people is good and you can "Do your own thing" (not that you will probably want to) if you don't feel like company on any particular day. My trip this year is to Tuscany in May.

Not long for you now, so relax, enjoy the trip. Love to hear if you do.




I've just signed up on here to find out about this community. I am probably going to book onto the T of A week on 9 May tomorrow, just cant make up my mind for sure. I feel nervous as I am new to this, feel encouraged by seeing so many posts from so many veterans though 🙂
