Marion F
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I'm a new member and am thinking of doing my first JU trip to Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia in October this year. Is anyone else going, or has anyone been before and got any tips?
  • (Member)
Hi Marion, is that the Cambodia and Mekong River tour? I did Vietnam and Cambodia last month and had a wonderful time - I'm sure you would too! I loved both countries, but have a special soft spot for Cambodia now. Beautiful country, very friendly people and excellent food, you are in for a treat if you do decide to go!

Hope you meet some fellow travellers on the forum; however be aware that most people travelling with JY don't use it, so don't be discouraged if you don't get much of a response. You can also try nearer the time, as most folks only log on a couple of weeks before they travel.

All the best,


Marion F
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bob, thanks for your reply.

Yes, it's the Cambodia and Mekong Delta trip that I'm thinking of. Is there anything I need to be aware of, eg taking malaria tablets, care over drinking water, salad etc? About how many people would there normally be on a tour like this one?

Have you any idea what the weather would be like in October eg would it be cool in the evenings?

Thanks for your help.


Marion F
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Marion, is that the Cambodia and Mekong River tour? I did Vietnam and Cambodia last month and had a wonderful time - I'm sure you would too! I loved both countries, but have a special soft spot for Cambodia now. Beautiful country, very friendly people and excellent food, you are in for a treat if you do decide to go!

Hope you meet some fellow travellers on the forum; however be aware that most people travelling with JY don't use it, so don't be discouraged if you don't get much of a response. You can also try nearer the time, as most folks only log on a couple of weeks before they travel.

All the best,


Hi Bob

Yes, it's the Cambodia and Mekong Delta trip I'm thinking of.

Thanks very much for your reply. I replied to your post yesterday, but it seems to have got lost.

Would I need malaria tablets and insect repellant? Do you need to be very careful over eg water, salad etc?

What is the best thing to do over taking currency, credit cards etc?

Howmany people do you usually get on these trips?

Thanks again for your help.


Marion F
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bob

I've tried to use 'reply' to your post but the reply seems to get lost.

Do you need to take malaria tablets and insect repellant?

What about things like water and salad? I'm a bit concerned that people have been ill on this trip.

About how many people usually go on these trips?

What is the best thing to do about cash and credit cards?

Thanks for your help.


Marion F
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Marion, is that the Cambodia and Mekong River tour? I did Vietnam and Cambodia last month and had a wonderful time - I'm sure you would too! I loved both countries, but have a special soft spot for Cambodia now. Beautiful country, very friendly people and excellent food, you are in for a treat if you do decide to go!

Hope you meet some fellow travellers on the forum; however be aware that most people travelling with JY don't use it, so don't be discouraged if you don't get much of a response. You can also try nearer the time, as most folks only log on a couple of weeks before they travel.

All the best,


Hi Bob

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, it's the Cambodia and Mekong Delta trip that I'm interested in.

I'm a bit concerned that people were unwell on this trip. Do you need to be extremely careful about what you eat and drink?

Do you need any vaccinations?

Do you need anti malaria tablets and insect repellant?

About how many people do you usually get on these trips?

What is the best way of paying for things - credit cards or local currency?

Thanks very much for your help.


  • (Member)
Hi Marion, as you've probably worked out by now, all posts have to be moderated by Ben or one of the team, so they can take a while to appear - also if you post over the weekend, they won't appear until Monday! I can only speak about the areas we went to and there was no real risk of malaria, so pills weren't needed. You'd need to check with your doctor/travel nurse or check out online for the areas you'll be visiting but I'd hazard a guess you'll probably be ok on that score. However, you'll need to use anti-mosquito spray whenever you're outside the cities (and possibly even in the cities in the evening time). Get a spray or roll-on with 50% DEET and apply it fairly liberally (for face and neck: spray it into your hand and dab onto your face). Check again with your surgery for vaccinations - I got the whole range a couple of years ago when going to Africa, so didn't need any new ones except a booster for Hep B. Don't ever drink the water when you're abroad - bottled water is freely available. I use it for washing my teeth as well. Anywhere JY take you to will be fine to eat salads, fruit and to have ice in drinks. Avoid them elsewhere. To avoid tummy trouble, go to Boots and get their Biobalance Travel pills - I had an upset in India, but I used them for the V/C tour and was fine. Eat lightly for a day or two to help you acclimatise. There could be anything from 15-35 on one of these tours and everyone always mixes well. I bring US dollars for spending money and my credit cards (ring your company before you travel and let them know when and where you'll be going and you'll be able to use your cards no problem). Having said that, I used my dollars the whole time I was away and didn't use my credit card once. Any other questions, ask away!



Marion F
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bob

Thank you very much for your very comprehensive and helpful reply. I think I understand the moderation system now, and won't panic in future if my posts don't immediately appear!

I have gone ahead and booked the 'Cambodia and Mekong Delta' holiday for Oct 27th. I'd be interested to know if it goes to the same places as the trip you did.

I'm already getting nervous about it! Not so much the singles aspect, as I've been on singles holidays before (though quite a few years ago now), but more the areas to be visited, which are way outside my comfort zone!

Do you have any recommendations on what sort of clothes to take?

Thanks again


  • (Member)
Hi Marion,

If you look at the holidays on the website you'll be able to make a comparison. From memory, I think your holiday starts in Thailand, in Bangkok and you travel to Cambodia overland? We started in Hanoi in northern Vietnam and made our way south. I think the places in common are Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), the Mekong Delta, Phnom Penh and Siem Reap (for Angkor Wat). There's no need to be nervous - the tour managers are all excellent and they will make sure you are fine. Even though these places were new to me, they were not intimidating in the least. The people are very friendly and JY will take you from place to place, so you don't have to find your own way anywhere or have any language problems - the hotel staff speak a little English, although service can be slow!

Regarding clothes, I think the time you go it will be very hot and humid everywhere (but do a google search for Cambodia climate etc just to be sure). So lightweight clothes are the way to go. It was even hot in the evenings, up to 30c! Hope you have a brilliant holiday and enjoy every minute of it. Although my holiday had quite a different itinerary, if you have a look at my review on the "Reviews" section, you might get some helpful info regarding the bits of the holiday that are in common with yours.

All the best,


Marion F
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Marion,

If you look at the holidays on the website you'll be able to make a comparison. From memory, I think your holiday starts in Thailand, in Bangkok and you travel to Cambodia overland? We started in Hanoi in northern Vietnam and made our way south. I think the places in common are Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), the Mekong Delta, Phnom Penh and Siem Reap (for Angkor Wat). There's no need to be nervous - the tour managers are all excellent and they will make sure you are fine. Even though these places were new to me, they were not intimidating in the least. The people are very friendly and JY will take you from place to place, so you don't have to find your own way anywhere or have any language problems - the hotel staff speak a little English, although service can be slow!

Regarding clothes, I think the time you go it will be very hot and humid everywhere (but do a google search for Cambodia climate etc just to be sure). So lightweight clothes are the way to go. It was even hot in the evenings, up to 30c! Hope you have a brilliant holiday and enjoy every minute of it. Although my holiday had quite a different itinerary, if you have a look at my review on the "Reviews" section, you might get some helpful info regarding the bits of the holiday that are in common with yours.

All the best,


Thanks very much again Bob, I've read all the review thread which was very helpful.


hello marian when are you going on the trip to thailand cambodia vietnam im thinking of going but the date i have with just you is 30th september 20013 its in a supplement brouchure not the main book graham
Marion F
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi again Bob, I hope you're still monitoring this thread! Only a month to go now, and I'm getting very worked up about the health risks. I've gone on the fitfortravel website as recommended by my travel clinic, and I'm getting very worried about malaria, dengue fever etc. Do you have any more helpful tips? I'm seriously thinking of not going, as I always seem to be the one who gets bitten. Marion.