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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi all

The Argentina & Brazil trip in March 2013 recently sold out, so I presume a full-sized group of about 30 people will be traveling on it.

I will be part of the group, and it will be my third Just You holiday in as many years, having previously visited (and greatly enjoyed) Egypt and India.

Is anybody else on this online community going on this trip? I occasionally check the boards, but never seem to find much mention of it.

Only about three weeks to go now! :D


  • (Member)
'DPM' wrote:

Hi all

The Argentina & Brazil trip in March 2013 recently sold out, so I presume a full-sized group of about 30 people will be traveling on it.

I will be part of the group, and it will be my third Just You holiday in as many years, having previously visited (and greatly enjoyed) Egypt and India.

Is anybody else on this online community going on this trip? I occasionally check the boards, but never seem to find much mention of it.

Only about three weeks to go now! :D


Hi Dave

I'm hoping to go on this trip in October - Like you I often check these boards and I don't think I've ever seen any 'posts' relating to Argentina and Brazil! I'd be very keen to know how the trip goes - have a FAB time!!!

Chris x

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'CLK' wrote:

Hi Dave

I'm hoping to go on this trip in October - Like you I often check these boards and I don't think I've ever seen any 'posts' relating to Argentina and Brazil! I'd be very keen to know how the trip goes - have a FAB time!!!

Chris x

Thanks for the good wishes Chris... I'll try and post a review on here for you after I get back.

In the meantime, Bob Gray (a thoroughly nice chap who I met on the Spirit Of India holiday last year) posted a review of the Travelsphere Chile Argentina & Brazil trip in the reviews section on here not too long ago. It's not quite the same itinerary as the JY one but very similar, and he certainly gave it the thumbs-up.

Hi guys

I did this trip with another company exactly a year ago! It was fabulous, the weather was hot and sunny and each part had something different to get excited about. Be careful of your valuables in Buenos aires as someone in our group was mugged - the rep tells you to take off your jewellery and he put his rolex back on! However the local area of buenos aires was lovely, especially the local stalls in the square outside the cemetery. Also the japenase gardens are worth the walk.

The falls were absolutely magnificant. There is also a raft ride you can do which takes you under some of the smaller falls and up close to the main ones.

Rio was lovely to, great to stroll along by the side of the beach and have a coconut!

Have a fab time


'DPM' wrote:

'CLK' wrote:

Hi Dave

I'm hoping to go on this trip in October - Like you I often check these boards and I don't think I've ever seen any 'posts' relating to Argentina and Brazil! I'd be very keen to know how the trip goes - have a FAB time!!!

Chris x

Thanks for the good wishes Chris... I'll try and post a review on here for you after I get back.

In the meantime, Bob Gray (a thoroughly nice chap who I met on the Spirit Of India holiday last year) posted a review of the Travelsphere Chile Argentina & Brazil trip in the reviews section on here not too long ago. It's not quite the same itinerary as the JY one but very similar, and he certainly gave it the thumbs-up.

Hi Dave, this is Sue Davies, tour manager on the Argentina/Brazil tour next week! It is a fabulous tour and I'm really pleased to be doing it again. I fly into CDG from Heathrow and I believe you are flying in from Manchester, so I'll see you at the departure gate for our onward flight to Buenos Aires. There are actually 25 of us on the tour. Look forward to meeting you on Wednesday. Sue
Hi Dave, this is Sue Davies, tour manager on the Argentina/Brazil tour next week! It is a fabulous tour and I'm really pleased to be doing it again. I fly into CDG from Heathrow and I believe you are flying in from Manchester, so I'll see you at the departure gate for our onward flight to Buenos Aires. There are actually 25 of us on the tour. Look forward to meeting you on Wednesday. Sue
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'suedavies' wrote:

Hi Dave, this is Sue Davies, tour manager on the Argentina/Brazil tour next week! It is a fabulous tour and I'm really pleased to be doing it again. I fly into CDG from Heathrow and I believe you are flying in from Manchester, so I'll see you at the departure gate for our onward flight to Buenos Aires. There are actually 25 of us on the tour. Look forward to meeting you on Wednesday. Sue

Thanks Sue, lovely to hear from you. I am indeed flying from Manchester,and look forward to meeting you and the rest of the group at CDG airport.

Just starting my packing now, not a job I relish but I'll be glad to leave behind this cold weather!!


  • (Member)
Hi Dave and other travellers!

Many thanks Dave for your very kind comments! The JY tour is virtually identical to the Travelsphere one, except TS starts in Chile and also visits Mendoza, so you could say that they are really the same regarding the three areas covered by the JY tour - Buenos Aires, Iguazu and Rio. I had a brilliant time and loved each of the places we visited. Highlights of BA were the trip to Santa Susana ranch, with the gaucho show great fun (with great food and copious amounts of complementary wine!). I also came across a colony of leaf cutter ants in the grounds there, travelling in convoy for hundreds of metres - fascinating and I got some great coverage on my camcorder! The tango show was excellent and Recoleta cemetry very interesting. The only disappointment was that we didn't have more time in La Boca (only 50 minutes, including lunch) - perhaps it will be different on your tour. The Tigre Delta was relaxing with nice scenery and the city of BA itself very grand.

The Iguazu Falls were, of course, spectacular, much more so than even Victoria Falls. We had loads of time to see them from the Argentinian side and the following day from the Brazilian side. Rio was wonderful, the most incredible setting for any city I've ever visited. truly beautiful. We had a packed couple of days there. If you have time, ask the tour manager/local guide if it's possible to have a favela tour. It wasn't part of the itinerary, but the local guide offered it to us for a small charge and it was extremely interesting.

Any other questions, I'd be glad to help. The food was excellent throughout - I put on half a stone! All the hotels were of a very high standard.

All the best,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'CLK' wrote:

Hi Dave

I'm hoping to go on this trip in October - Like you I often check these boards and I don't think I've ever seen any 'posts' relating to Argentina and Brazil! I'd be very keen to know how the trip goes - have a FAB time!!!

Chris x

Hi Chris

Well, I'm back, and a FAB time is exactly what I had. I've written a long review, it should hopefully appear in the Reviews section on these boards very soon, once the moderator approves it.

Any other questions, feel free to ask.
