Hello Guy21
For a more accurate age range either post on the editors board with your holiday ref and BEN should be able to help you, or you could perhaps ring the office and they might be able to give you a age range...
YOU!! Will have a great time, if you love animals this will be exciting for you..make sure you have all you need for your camera charger, batteries, film memory cards etc,
For the safari part you just need a small soft hold all with what you need for those few days, the man case does not go to the safari part that goes or gets held and meets up with you at the second hotel so MAKE sure you have a LOCK for the main case...
Money is a difficult one to be honest ...I don't buy much tourist stuff when I am away, if you want to buy wood carvings etc wait till you get to the co operative where they manufacture the stuff rather than buy it in the shops...I did not spend to much money as I did NOT want to local gold jewellery either, I am sure there were bargngs but not for me...so take what you can you can always re bank it when you get home, take a credit card with you but do inform the user provider that your going to this country so they don't block it..
I did not do many extra trips but I remember those that went to see the dolphins??? I think that's what they were had a great time, BUT it is a very very long day out in heat and bumpy roads etc..
I bet you can't wait for this holiday to come around you will have so much fun I am sure