  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have been reading the reviews and notice that people are complaining that not everyone travelling is a single.

I wanted to book with JustYou for the reason that they are a 'singles' company and find these complaints very unsettling. I have been on other trips that cater to everyone:huh: and it is not so nice if no-one else is travelling as a single and the others don't or won't mix.

Anyone had this problem?:huh:

  • (Member)
From expereince of 4 JY holidays, there are always a number of people on any holiday who knew one another before. I've never seen this become a majority, but it can be fairly high.

The important issue is not that people know one another, but if they are willing to mix with the "real" singles. Some are willing to do this, but I have to say that I've found there are always some who don't mix, remain in their group, and disappear as soon as possible to a bar or restaurant, away from the rest of the group.

Maybe certain types of holiday locations attract "groups", others with more experience may be better able to comment on this.

It's totally impossible for JY to do anything about this, as people would just book individually if "groups" were banned. Also JY exists to make money and is unlikely to turn away business

Something Ben /Will may wish to comment on, is that I understand that if requested JY will allow two people who know each other to room share, and thereby receive a discount. I'm sure this is unusual, but to me, this is totally against the spirit of JY and should be discontinued.

In summary, I've found that the majority of people on a holiday will mix with the rest of the group, but you have to accept that when you book a JY holiday, that some people will be travelling together, and may decide to have very little social contact with the rest of the group.


Mick W
  • (Member)
Just back from Costa Brava and everyone on the trip was single and there was 44 of us. Two people did travel together as singles but they were brother and sister and mixed with others no problem.

This is the normal for just you holidays (i've done eight), yes occasionally you do get people travel together but it is quite rare and makes up a very small minority of the group.


  • (Member)
As I understand it JY holidays are for anyone who wishes to go on holiday but for one reason or another

has noone to go with, so rather than be on their own chooses a company like JY so they can be with a group of like minded people.


Hello gblady,

With the numbers that go on JY holidays ( normally around 30/34 people) you will travelling with a majority of single people and be able to interact with those on the tour. My holiday to Singapore, Australia and New Zealand at the latter end of last year in each country a number of people "clicked" and stuck together as friends and did things together. This was NOT detremental to the group as being single the rest of the group could interact with each other and even mixed with the ones occasionally that had befriended each other.

I think you will find this will happen of all types of holidays so do not let this deter you from doing a JY holiday.

My self I wanted to do things on my own which was respected by the group and other times mixed with ever was available to do similar things as I did.

Jusy You is a fantastic place to mix, do your own thing and have a Excellent holiday that is virtually done for you, hassel free.


  • (Member)
'gblady' wrote:

I have been reading the reviews and notice that people are complaining that not everyone travelling is a single.

I wanted to book with JustYou for the reason that they are a 'singles' company and find these complaints very unsettling. I have been on other trips that cater to everyone:huh: and it is not so nice if no-one else is travelling as a single and the others don't or won't mix.

Anyone had this problem?:huh:


I have been on a lot of Just You holidays. Some people meet up on the overnight stay in hotel before holiday some people do travel with a friend. I have travelled with a friend I met on a previous holiday. On a trip to New Zealand I heard some fellow travellers moaned about myself and Gordon who I team up with . That we went out at night eat at varies resturants and drank at different pubs and did not stay at hotel with most of the group. We wanted to get the most out of our holiday. I have always mixed with everyone, You have paid for the holiday so you can mix when you like and have time away from the group when you like. The only thing is donot upset anyone.

Tony :thumbup:

Sarah W - TM
Just You is a company for "single travellers" rather than single people.

I have found that the majority of people on a tour are travelling by themselves (whether single in life, widowed, divorced or separated).

However, there can be people who are friends who want to travel together but don't want to share a room; or people who have met on previous tours and formed a holiday friendship, they find they have another destination in common and book for the same tour; and sometimes there are people who have a partner at home who can't or won't travel to the destination their other half wants to visit. Just You makes travelling solo a possibility for everyone.

Do be assured though that JY isn't for couples travelling together!

As a Tour Manager who has led both Just You and Travelsphere tours, I have found that usually the guests on the tours mix very well. Some people are very confident from day one but for others it can take a day or two relax, this is only natural if you are taking a holiday by yourself.

As the TM we have a responsibility to ensure no one feels isolated, but as travellers on the holiday everyone has to make the effort to introduce themselves to their travel companions and socialise with the others.

Whether it is a short break in Europe or a 3-week long-haul tour the thing everyone has in common is the desire to travel to that specific holiday destination and a sense of adventure to experience the different cultures, cuisines and traditions.

JY has many repeat travellers because of the great experiences people have, so from time to time, just by chance, guests meet someone whom they met on a previous tour.

If it's your very first holiday on your own, I'm sure you'll find a sociable crowd who are looking forward to the wonders of travel as much as you are.

  • (Member)
Hello There

I am NOT single I am married 30 years now, but I travel alone so in that case I am single, JY is for the single traveller you dont have to be single.

On my very 1st JY tour I buddied up with a lady and have since travelled twice more with her on other JY tours and we are going to USA again this year.

On a poland tour I buddied up with a couple ladies and then we went to Austria and one of the ladies and I went to Kenya.

For my this is a great by product of travelling with JY you meet like minded people and can buddy up. If you have a look around all the boards you will find many comments on this question.

Can I just say that when and if I travel with another person we do share our selves around and we do not keep just together, YES we are travelling on the same tour and get on well, but I can assure you we mix in with everyone it would be very rude not to.

I also would travel on my own still.

Thats my view from travelling with a holiday buddy, I only meet up with these people at the airports and keep in touch via e mail in between times.

I hope others will answer from the other view point.


  • (Member)
Hi I agree with all the above comments, especially the very helpful reply from Sarah the tour manager. I've done 4 JY hols, with two more booked, and the vast majority are single travellers, people travelling by themselves. The group as a whole are always very friendly and I've had no problems finding new and fun people to hang around and go for meals with. So don't worry, take the plunge and you won't regret it!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)

I agree with all the comments made by everyone. Although there may be some people who stick with their own 'group' and not mix with the others, the majority do. I always think that it is not my loss if people stick within a group, it is theirs. They are losing out on mixing with lots of interesting people and learning new things. Forget any fears you have and just take the plunge. What does it matter if there are some who travel either as a couple or in a group? Obviously as long as it is not such a big group that they are in the majority!!


My interpretation is that JU is for the independent traveller whether single or married. I have had several holidays and there has always been married people with us but not with their spouse. Some hols have had friends come with them. I must say I have never had a problem as I have found that everyone wants to socialise and be friendly. If you are willing to mix and are interested in other people you will always find someone that you click with on these hols.
  • (Member)
I've done about 9 JY holidays and only one of them did 2 people know each other prior to the holiday (they met a previous JY holiday). I agree with most of comments above. I've find little groups form friendships. When I did China 2 women who knew they wouldn't get on, made sure they stayed apart (dinners/lunches/on coaches) etc, so there wasn't any conflict between them. When I did India, half the group would go to their room after dinner. A couple of the women towards end of trip, decided they had had enough of staying in their room, and joined the rest of the group in the bar. I feel it's your holiday & you need to get what you want out of the holiday!


  • (Member)
I usually go to my room most evenings shortly after dinner as I'm exhausted after a day's sight seeing and have to get up around[/i] 6am or earlier the next day! JY pack a lot into their holidays and we want to get the most out of them!

