  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

The overwhelmingly positive feedback about this trip has got me curious. The length of the trip (10 days) seems very short compared to how far you are travelling and i was wondering whether the people who have done this trip found it suitable and whether, on the first day, they had enough time to recover? Is the first day hectic? Is there a lot of travelling?



  • (Member)

I have not done this tour, but have done 5 long haul tours and you do hit the ground running, I find I try to cat nap whenever I can ie on the coaches, with the tours I have done you just have to keep going to see all that there is to see.. I give myself a few days recovery when I get back home..

I hope some one off a China tour can help you more


  • (Member)
This is a criticism I have had of JY holidays - actual holiday is fairly short when you take travelling off. For that reason, on all the holidays I have been on (8 and counting) I always go for any add-ons. Although expensive, I now upgrade on long-haul flights as I suffer badly from jet lag. This year I went to Australia and for first time ever slept well on plane and had no jet lag.
  • (Member)
Hi Mark I've found the best way to beat the jet lag is the general advice to adapt to your new time and keep going! I've done several long haul JY tours including India which was relatively short at 12 days. On arrival you might stop off somewhere on your way to your hotel, or go straight there. To be honest I haven't found it too exhausting; with me I find it's more towards the end of the holiday that the tiredness hits, but you could always bail out of an excursion or two and catch up on some sleep! I did this on the India tour and was all the better for it! I think JY go to a lot of trouble when constructing the itinerary so that we get the most out of each destination, but there is also a little free time slotted in for recovery! I wouldn't let it put you off. However, this is an important point - have you seen that JY have just launched a new China tour which is a bit longer and it includes Chengdu and Shanghai! It's called Inspirational China and in my opinion it is a much better itinerary than the Wonder of China. So much so that this tour has moved China up my wish list and if JY still do it, I aim to do the new tour in a couple of years.

Hope this helps!

Best wishes,
