Peter Jersey
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello to everyone going to China. I am going to China on the 12th September and doing the Yangtze Cruise. I have been to my GP and had the necessary jabs. He told me that I did not need Malaria protection because I was only going to tourist areas.

However, I was talking to a Chinese business man, and he tells me that although the Doctor was right in what he told me, it would be very advisable to go on a course of Malarone, because of the current weather situation with the floods. As he put it, Floods spread diseases. and flies like to drink!!

I don't want to frighten anyone, but this gentleman lives in Beijing, so it is first hand knowledge.


'Peter wrote:

Hello to everyone going to China. I am going to China on the 12th September and doing the Yangtze Cruise. I have been to my GP and had the necessary jabs. He told me that I did not need Malaria protection because I was only going to tourist areas.

However, I was talking to a Chinese business man, and he tells me that although the Doctor was right in what he told me, it would be very advisable to go on a course of Malarone, because of the current weather situation with the floods. As he put it, Floods spread diseases. and flies like to drink!!

I don't want to frighten anyone, but this gentleman lives in Beijing, so it is first hand knowledge.

Hi Peter thanks for the info, I go on the 5th Sept, do you know if Malarone a prescription drug or over the counter?



Noreen Burton
'Peter wrote:

Hello to everyone going to China. I am going to China on the 12th September and doing the Yangtze Cruise. I have been to my GP and had the necessary jabs. He told me that I did not need Malaria protection because I was only going to tourist areas.

However, I was talking to a Chinese business man, and he tells me that although the Doctor was right in what he told me, it would be very advisable to go on a course of Malarone, because of the current weather situation with the floods. As he put it, Floods spread diseases. and flies like to drink!!

I don't want to frighten anyone, but this gentleman lives in Beijing, so it is first hand knowledge.


Hi peter I also have been told by my Doctor to take some Tabs ,2 weeks before we go ,and all the time we are there , and 4 weeks after we get back ,so 8 weeks in all, apparently Malarone can have some side effects but there is another one which I can't remember the name of just now and there are no side effects I made enquiries in Boots Chemist they were very informative .I will find out what they are called and let you know ,I will be certainly be taking them ,you can't trust those MOZZIES Noreen ,

Peter Jersey
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'ShirleyT' wrote:

'Peter wrote:

Hello to everyone going to China. I am going to China on the 12th September and doing the Yangtze Cruise. I have been to my GP and had the necessary jabs. He told me that I did not need Malaria protection because I was only going to tourist areas.

However, I was talking to a Chinese business man, and he tells me that although the Doctor was right in what he told me, it would be very advisable to go on a course of Malarone, because of the current weather situation with the floods. As he put it, Floods spread diseases. and flies like to drink!!

I don't want to frighten anyone, but this gentleman lives in Beijing, so it is first hand knowledge.

Hi Peter thanks for the info, I go on the 5th Sept, do you know if Malarone a prescription drug or over the counter?



Hello Shirley

I am going back to my GP this afternoon (MONDAY) to find out about Malarone. I will let you know what he says.


  • (Member)
When I went to Kenya we were all on Malerone, they had the least side effects, I had no trouble at all with them one lady suffered dizzy spells so she stopped them for a few days and then seemed OK..

I got a prescription of the doctor for malerone and then ordered over the internet as much cheaper than the chemist but you do need the prescription.


  • (Member)
Hi folks, I took Malarone for 3 weeks when in South Africa last year, first time taking it and I was absolutely fine, no side effects. I have a very sensitive stomach, so I was wary of taking it. Most people advise taking it after food, preferably a meal that has some fat content in it, as it is easier on the system that way. I ended up taking it after breakfast, as it was the easiest time to remember to take it! Although I did have the cooked breakfast every morning, so maybe that helped the absorbtion. Hope this helps. Malarone is meant to be the easiest to take with the least side effects, but of course everyone is different, so good luck! Also, don't forget that no anti malaria pill is 100% effective against contracting it, so make sure you apply the DEET 50% as well and keep the air con on.

Best wishes,


Peter Jersey
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Shirley & Noreen

I have seen my GP this afternoon. I cannot buy it over the counter or order it over the internet from outside Jersey. Also my GP cannot prescribe it on an ordinary prescription, it has to be a private one. Our health system is a different animal to what you are used to in the UK. I have been given Malarone in 250mg tablet form. I am told that this is the tablet with the least side effects. Contrary to what other people have said, I have to start the course of 1 tablet per day, 2 DAYS before I go and finish 7 DAYS after I come back. I have also been warned NOT to put ice cubes into any drinks, because they would be made from tap water, because it could be comtaminated and likewise do not use the water when cleaning teeth. USE BOTTLED WATER AT ALL TIMES..

Do not eat raw meat or vegetables. Even salads could be iffy, because they could have been washed in tap water. To give you an idea, my tablets cost me £108.03 but you should not have to pay anywhere near this.

Enjoy the holiday


'Peter wrote:

Hello Shirley & Noreen

I have seen my GP this afternoon. I cannot buy it over the counter or order it over the internet from outside Jersey. Also my GP cannot prescribe it on an ordinary prescription, it has to be a private one. Our health system is a different animal to what you are used to in the UK. I have been given Malarone in 250mg tablet form. I am told that this is the tablet with the least side effects. Contrary to what other people have said, I have to start the course of 1 tablet per day, 2 DAYS before I go and finish 7 DAYS after I come back. I have also been warned NOT to put ice cubes into any drinks, because they would be made from tap water, because it could be comtaminated and likewise do not use the water when cleaning teeth. USE BOTTLED WATER AT ALL TIMES..

Do not eat raw meat or vegetables. Even salads could be iffy, because they could have been washed in tap water. To give you an idea, my tablets cost me £108.03 but you should not have to pay anywhere near this.

Enjoy the holiday


Hello Peter, thank you for keeping me up dated, I have today made an appointment with my doctors travel clinic, earliest appointment they have is next Monday but this gives me plenty of time. I don't know what the charges may be but I wasn't charged for any injections or boosters, so cannot complain if I have to pay for malarone. Only 4 weeks to go for me!

Many thanks, Shirley

Noreen Burton
Hi Peter , I asked my Doctor about Malerone and I have to have a prescription which costs £14.and the Tabs are £87 in Boots so nearly the same price ,I dont know how much they are on the internet .Thats right salad and water is a no ,no perhaps we will all loose so much weight we will be allowed extra luggage coming back .Noreen
  • (Member)
Some years ago I went to China with Travelsphere, I have taken malerone many times with no trouble, and as regards eating and drinking, the same rules apply as in any other foreign country. The restaurants we visited rely on these tour companies for repeat business and were clean and hygenic, and nobody to my knowledge ended up ill.

This is a wonderful holiday, just go and enjoy

Ange S

Peter Jersey
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Ange

Thank you for your reply. I am sure that we shall all have a wonderful time. The dark cloud on the horizon is the turbulent weather that is hitting Beijing right now. They have just had the worst floods for 60 years, with 79 confirmed dead and more missing.

According to the Beijing weather forecast for today (Wednesday) it will be a high of 33 degrees C with a low of 20 degrees C this evening as well as thunderstorns for the next 2 days.

Just You are monitoring the situation daily, so I have every faith in them that they would not put us into a dangerous situation.


  • (Member)
Hello Everybody

I am thinking of China trip one day and am wondering if you just have to take precautions against mosquitoes only in the rainy season and not if you go at other times. I have not seen this mentioned in any of the 'China trails' I have followed to date so would be interested to know.



  • (Member)

I used Malarone when went to Kenya, most people did in fact...and were all fine. A website called Travelpharm were the cheapest and always seem competitve for such things. It is a private prescription from doctors and varies £12-14.


Peter Jersey
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Jaya

The reason that there has been no mention on previous posts of any medication requirements is probably due to the fact the recent floods in Beijing had not been experienced for 60 years. The last I heard was that were 79 dead with many missing. In other words this is not the normal situation. Different Doctors surgeries seem to be giving different advice. My GP in Jersey has given me the same advice as someone in Bexhill. Another Doctor has told another passenger that they only need to take DEET 50% SPRAY/LOTION. You pays your money and take your choice.

I am going on the 12th September and this month is the only one in the Year when the BEIJING PALACE MUSEUM allow their world famous paintings to be put on show. This is because the climate is near western european standards.

Hope this helps with your query.


Hello Peter

Thank you for giving all of us travelling to China some advice - I am going on the 5 September tour. I have had all the jabs recommended by the doctor and will now be seeing about getting some Malarone.

Noreen Burton
'margaretrose' wrote:

Hello Peter

Thank you for giving all of us travelling to China some advice - I am going on the 5 September tour. I have had all the jabs recommended by the doctor and will now be seeing about getting some Malarone.

Hi to all, about Ma;aria Tabs my DR says they are a must he also told me to try different Chemists as they can charge what they like .I was amazed to find the price started from £89.00, £75.00 £68.00 to £58 50 .no 2 chemists were the same ,that of course is with a prescription ,my Dr, advised me to get 26 Tabs.Has anyone received any info from J Y yet .Noreen

  • (Member)
'Noreen wrote:

'margaretrose' wrote:

Hello Peter

Thank you for giving all of us travelling to China some advice - I am going on the 5 September tour. I have had all the jabs recommended by the doctor and will now be seeing about getting some Malarone.

Hi to all, about Ma;aria Tabs my DR says they are a must he also told me to try different Chemists as they can charge what they like .I was amazed to find the price started from £89.00, £75.00 £68.00 to £58 50 .no 2 chemists were the same ,that of course is with a prescription ,my Dr, advised me to get 26 Tabs.Has anyone received any info from J Y yet .Noreen


I have used Malerone on 2 JY trips with no side effects at all. As previously mentioned, the website www.travelpharm is the cheapest - you send them the prescription from your GP and they send the pills by recorded delivery. I will be using them again for Vietnam and Cambodia.


Peter Jersey
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Noreen

Thank you for the info about what your doctor said. I was beginning to think that I was alone with the info. I too have been given 26 tablets. I start 2 days before we go, with one tablet daily until they are all used up.

Obviously, not all doctors are reading the same hymn sheet.

I still know that we will all have a great holiday.


Noreen Burton
'Peter wrote:

Hello Noreen

Thank you for the info about what your doctor said. I was beginning to think that I was alone with the info. I too have been given 26 tablets. I start 2 days before we go, with one tablet daily until they are all used up.

Obviously, not all doctors are reading the same hymn sheet.

I still know that we will all have a great holiday.


Hi Peter ,I feel a bit better now i received all my info this morning and really self explanitary and was really glad to see luggage allowance 30kgs much better ,only 16 days to go . Noreen

Peter Jersey
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Noreen

Glad you received your final paperwork. I am still waiting for mine. Maybe it will come Monday. The countdown has begun.

Looking forward to meeting up at Heathrow.
