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I've taken the plunge and booked my first Just You Holiday, America's National Parks and Canyons in September. Has anyone been before, or are you going in September? I'd love to hear from you, especially any tips you might have. How much walking is involved and what kind of footwear do I need? I'm really looking forward to it and a little anxious as a newbie, but I'm sure it will be great.


Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Liz,

If its the 10 day trip starting in Phoenix I've done it.

Walking is up to you, did a bit around the rim of Bryce Canyon but people had option of going on the bus between view points, walked through Zion but again upto individuals how much they do. I didn't do the optional trips (helicopter, etc) as had done previously at the grand canyon so had a walk so far down the mule trail but again that was personal choice.

Its a very enjoyable holiday.


Hi Liz,

I did the Parks & Canyons in March 2008 and enjoyed so much I went again in Sept 2010! That has to be a good recommendation! As Mick said, walking is up to you - there are so many different age groups you just go at your own pace. Some of us went horseriding at the Bryce Canyon, the tour rep booked it for us from the coach en-route. I went on the helicopter trip over the Grand Canyon which, of course, was wonderful. One of the highlights for me was the night out in Pheonix, I think it was called Rustlers Roost - watch out for that one!!

Enjoy it - I envy you!!

Regards, Pat

  • (Member)
Hi, I've just done the National Parks trip in June as a newbie. When I got to Heathrow I looked out for the Just You luggage labels and very quickly found someone to breakfast with before boarding. On the plane we were a bit scattered so didn't know who was who apart from a few faces I had chatted to at the boarding gate. The Tour Rep Wendy came along to chat to us in the plane towards the end of the flight and we all congregated around her when we landed and she ensured we all got out of the airport and onto the waiting coach. She would suggest places to eat on the trip and arrange for us to meet in the lobby of whatever hotel we were at to decide where we would eat and who with so you were never left out unless you wanted to be. I took walking sandals, lots of cropped trousers, strappy t shirts and a cover-up shirt, and it was over a 100 degrees hot most of the time but don't know what the temperature will be like in September. The only time it was cool was at 6 a.m. especially on the river raft trip down the Snake River! I did all the excursions/trips, the Lake Powell boat trip, Fixed Wing flight over Lake Powell, helicopter over Grand Canyon, Cowboy Cookout, river raft trip, as my attitude is that you may never pass this way again and damn the expense! There were 33 in our party, all retirement age, about 10 men, the oldest was 86 but spry and witty. Everyone is there to meet other people so you all get on and chat and possibly find someone you will particularly partner up with. I have no sense of direction and at Salt Lake City went to the Creek Shopping Centre and into Macy's and my new friend said that I needn't stay with her if I wanted to shop on my own but I said I would hang on to her as if I left her she may never see me again! The tour leader really looks after you and gives you lots of info and suggestions, I could do it all again!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Mick wrote:

Hi Liz,

If its the 10 day trip starting in Phoenix I've done it.

Walking is up to you, did a bit around the rim of Bryce Canyon but people had option of going on the bus between view points, walked through Zion but again upto individuals how much they do. I didn't do the optional trips (helicopter, etc) as had done previously at the grand canyon so had a walk so far down the mule trail but again that was personal choice.

Its a very enjoyable holiday.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'DonegalLiz' wrote:

I've taken the plunge and booked my first Just You Holiday, America's National Parks and Canyons in September. Has anyone been before, or are you going in September? I'd love to hear from you, especially any tips you might have. How much walking is involved and what kind of footwear do I need? I'm really looking forward to it and a little anxious as a newbie, but I'm sure it will be great.


Hi Mick

Thanks for your helpful reply. I can't wait to go now. You have re-assured me that I'll have the option not to walk if the heat gets too much..... or the legs wear out!

best wishes, Liz

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'patricebry' wrote:

Hi Liz,

I did the Parks & Canyons in March 2008 and enjoyed so much I went again in Sept 2010! That has to be a good recommendation! As Mick said, walking is up to you - there are so many different age groups you just go at your own pace. Some of us went horseriding at the Bryce Canyon, the tour rep booked it for us from the coach en-route. I went on the helicopter trip over the Grand Canyon which, of course, was wonderful. One of the highlights for me was the night out in Pheonix, I think it was called Rustlers Roost - watch out for that one!!

Enjoy it - I envy you!!

Regards, Pat

Hi Pat,

Thanks for the reply, it must be good to do the trip twice. As a chlidhood fan of cowboys and all things western, the horse riding would be brilliant if it's available to us. I've already booked the helicopter ride as that too is a long time dream. Bring it on.

Best wishes, Liz

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BOTTI' wrote:

Hi, I've just done the National Parks trip in June as a newbie. When I got to Heathrow I looked out for the Just You luggage labels and very quickly found someone to breakfast with before boarding. On the plane we were a bit scattered so didn't know who was who apart from a few faces I had chatted to at the boarding gate. The Tour Rep Wendy came along to chat to us in the plane towards the end of the flight and we all congregated around her when we landed and she ensured we all got out of the airport and onto the waiting coach. She would suggest places to eat on the trip and arrange for us to meet in the lobby of whatever hotel we were at to decide where we would eat and who with so you were never left out unless you wanted to be. I took walking sandals, lots of cropped trousers, strappy t shirts and a cover-up shirt, and it was over a 100 degrees hot most of the time but don't know what the temperature will be like in September. The only time it was cool was at 6 a.m. especially on the river raft trip down the Snake River! I did all the excursions/trips, the Lake Powell boat trip, Fixed Wing flight over Lake Powell, helicopter over Grand Canyon, Cowboy Cookout, river raft trip, as my attitude is that you may never pass this way again and damn the expense! There were 33 in our party, all retirement age, about 10 men, the oldest was 86 but spry and witty. Everyone is there to meet other people so you all get on and chat and possibly find someone you will particularly partner up with. I have no sense of direction and at Salt Lake City went to the Creek Shopping Centre and into Macy's and my new friend said that I needn't stay with her if I wanted to shop on my own but I said I would hang on to her as if I left her she may never see me again! The tour leader really looks after you and gives you lots of info and suggestions, I could do it all again!

Hi Botti

Thanks for you helpful and informative reply, it all sounds great and I have a much better idea of what to pack and of the good times ahead.

Between you all you've sorted out any anxieties I had.

Best wishes, Liz