valerie lund
(Member) (Topic Starter)
[/size]Have now booked this cruise (bit nervous) wonder if anyonle else is going too[size=medium]


  • (Member)
It's a pity this wasn't included in the brochure, I am sure many JY folk don't know it's available...


valerie lund
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Oh dear, not getting much response to my Genoa/Cape Town query. Hope enoough people sign up, will be so disppointing if it doesnt go ahead. Val
  • (Member)
Hi Val, why don't you ask Ben to find out how many are currently booked or ring JY yourself and ask? Most JY folk don't use the Community Forum (yet) so it's not really an indication of how many are booked....

Best wishes,


valerie lund
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Val, why don't you ask Ben to find out how many are currently booked or ring JY yourself and ask? Most JY folk don't use the Community Forum (yet) so it's not really an indication of how many are booked....

Best wishes,


valerie lund
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Before I actually made a firm booking I was told there were only 9 places left, so that spurred me on to make a decision and book. Spoke to another person @ Just You to do the Deed. After paying in full (!) was surprised had to do this so far from actual departure date. Anyway I then asked how many had booked

and was told only 5 people had. So unless more people sign up cant see this holiday going ahead. My daughter used to work for Travelsphere some years ago and she said holidays are cancelled if numbers are not sufficient to make it viable. So will have to wait and see.