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(Member) (Topic Starter)

I am 28 and curious if many younger travellers have been on any of these holidays, which all look amazing. It's very hard finding a holiday company which caters so well for the single traveller and these holidays look amazing.

I really want to go on one. However would enjoy it more if some of the travelling companions were in the ages of 20's to 40ish.

Have you been on any. What were they like? Which would you recommend. If you were the youngest. How did you find it?

Older travellers, do you mind the younger travellers company on these holiday?

Is it good to have a good mixture of young and older.

Thanks in advance of your feedback.


  • (Member)
Hi Nicholas

If you look at some of the other threads on this board, you'll see a lot of discussion about the typical age mix on JY holidays, and also the male/female ratio (usually women outnumber men 3 to 1).

At 28 you would probably be one of the youngest (probably the youngest) on most holidays, only you can decide if this worries you. It does seem that younger people are using JY more and more, but it's still the case that the vast majority of people will be in the 45-70 age range, with a few either side. Age isn't a very good indicator of people's attitude to life, and there are some very "young" people in their 80's, and very "old" people in their 30's.

In my experience there will always be a group of people who meet up in the bar after dinner for drinks/chat, and this won't always be the youngest ones. If you want a holiday with heavy drinking, loads of time spent in clubs/on the beach/around a pool, then JY is the wrong holiday for you.

I think it really depends on what type of holiday you're after. If you're looking for a more active/outward bound type holiday (ie. camping, treking, white water rafting etc) then there are companies that offer this, Trek America being the classic example in the US, "The Adventure Company" being another that operates worldwide, plus numerous other companies operating primarily in the Indian sub continent. This type of holiday will have lots of single people, although they cater for couples/groups as well, so it would not be an exclusively singles holiday. It's really up to you.

You'll see from the holiday description what kind of holiday is on offer with JY in terms of hotel accommodation used, pace of holiday, activities undertaken etc. Don't assume that the long haul holidays will have a younger age profile, because in my experience it's mostly retired people who can take 4 week holidays timewise.

Good luck


Mick W
  • (Member)
I'm 54 and done 5 holidays so far with ages varying from mid 20's to 80, I've socialised with people much younger and older on these trips and had reat fun with both.

Yes there is a good chance you are the youngest but don't let it be a issue all ages mix very well. There is no exact science to the age range but I would say the more adventurous the holiday the younger the age range is.

If you see a holiday you fancy you can use the "ask the editor" section of this forum to find age range of those already booked, may help your decision.

Hi Nicholas

Im currently 30, and went on my first JY holiday last year. I went on the Charms of Luxemburg trip to test the waters! There was one male younger than me and one female. The rest ranged from late 30s to 70s. Most people mixed into a group and went around with those people for most of the trip. I think there are more and more younger people looking at this company.

Im looking to book my first long haul JY for later this year. Personally I would go for it! Ive procrastinated and looked at JY for ages, now time to do something as there are so many wonderful places in the world to visit

Hope this helps


'bradders' wrote:


I am 28 and curious if many younger travellers have been on any of these holidays, which all look amazing. It's very hard finding a holiday company which caters so well for the single traveller and these holidays look amazing.

I really want to go on one. However would enjoy it more if some of the travelling companions were in the ages of 20's to 40ish.

Have you been on any. What were they like? Which would you recommend. If you were the youngest. How did you find it?

Older travellers, do you mind the younger travellers company on these holiday?

Is it good to have a good mixture of young and older.

Thanks in advance of your feedback.


  • (Member)

I have answered another post you put on here.

OK this OLD AGE QUESTION comes up time and time again.

My first of 8 JY tours was in 2006 at 46 I was the youngest on that tour!!. in the 6 years I have been touring I would say the age range is going down a little, I love the whole range of ages, can I just say age is a number, I have spent time with people late 70's who are about 20 in mind and have spent time with people in there 30's who are about 60 in there thinking also I am now 53 but I have been out walked up hills and down by people way older than I am. I like to have the age range but then again I am not 28 ( alas no longer). If you can chat to people and are willing to mix with people please give it a go, pick a holiday you really fancy and GO FOR IT at the end of the day you will still had a good holiday and seen the sights if you make new friends young or old amongst it that's a can depend on the style of holiday the age range as well. The last 3 I have been on I have not been the youngest (but I am getting older) I would say late 20's very early 30's is the youngest I have encountered, that was Nashville and Memphis, Kenyan Safari and Hong Kong Newzealand. Whatever you do have fun and explore this world there are many great sights to see.


  • (Member)
The July trip to China last year had a spread of ages 20 to 65

I would not worry about age, as it is the experience that is important.

  • (Member)
Hi Nicholas,

I've been on 4 JY hols and on two of them there was someone in their 20s, on the other two hols the youngest was in their 30s. Age really doesn't matter on these holidays and people mix together really well. I'm in my early 40s and usually end up spending the most time with people who are quite a lot older than me. On my first JY hol there was a chap of 28 who spent the week in the company of a lady in her late 60s, so it really doesn't matter - everyone wants to have a good time. So pick a holiday that appeals to you and go for it!




I am 22 shall be 23 when i go on my first just you holiday in September (Route 66). Cannot wait 🙂 I think age is just a number and I'm not worried at all. I say just go for it and enjoy your holiday. Everyone I have spoken to on this site have been very friendly and helpful so I'm sure will make some good friends of all ages. I shall keep you posted of how I get on when back from route 66 in october 🙂


  • (Member)
Hello Nicholas

If you get on well with people of all ages then you have nothing to worry about. I have been on 3 Just You holidays and ages do wary, but everyone gets on. Age is just a number. Life is too short so why waste time worrying about trivial things like age? At the end of the day it is up to an individual as to whether or not they have a great time on holiday or not. I always travel with an open mind and never have any preconceived ideas and to date I have never had a 'bad' holiday. I would suggest, pick a destination you always wanted to visit and go ahead and book. You have to try everything at least once and if after going on a Just You holiday you decide it was not for you, then at least you have tried and you will not left wondering what it would be like!



Hi! I'm 24 and went on my 1st Just You holiday in May. My trip had a real mixture of ages from 20's - 80's. I was the youngest (I think) but that wasn't a problem for me at all. I thought the mixture of ages was great, everyone was really interesting to talk to. The trip was really well organised and I'll definitely be going on more Just You holidays in the future! I'd say just pick a trip that you fancy (long or short haul) and go for it! I booked over the phone, the agents are really nice and reassuring. . . you can always ask about the age range on your chosen trip to see who's booked so far!
Chloesonic :)
Hey Nicholas

Iv Just turned 20 years old and been on my first JY holiday to Kenya 2 weeks ago, it was my Birthday gift to me really 😃

I was the youngest by far but it was an amazing holiday, everyone got along so well like we had known each other for years. there was people aged around 35-45 then the over 60's but as it was a safari and a full on trip. our tour manager said " magic of kenya" you find more young people then old but even the older guys had such a good time.

I had a great time and now planning for China for next year with a few people I meet on the Kenya holiday, cant wait will be great.

so no your not the youngest on here lol I think its me, hope this helps and you have a great holiday what ever you choose 😃

Chloe xx

  • (Member)
I'm a soon-to-be young traveller! I've got the Americas Golden West tour booked for the 15th October, I'm 18 and pretty confident I'll be the youngest on the trip! Age differences don't bother me, most of the people I work with are 30+ and I get along better than them than people my own age, I don't think on these sort of holidays anybody is really bothered about age (I hope anyway!) so I'm not too fussed.. It's something I want to do and I'm not going to let ages put me off!

The only downside is it's 21 to drink in most places in America so I'll be sticking to coke 🙂