  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
to all the '23rd ers'

looking forward to next wednesday. Heres hoping we all have a lovely time together & make new friends. See you all at the airport.:)

carol b
Hi Rustyhatch

I'm also going on the 23rd and getting very excited. The weather looks lovely so hopefully we will be able to pack shorts and T shirts. I've got my currency just need to pack now.

not looking forward to the flight as I am very tall but I'm hoping to get to the airport early to get an extra legroom seat.

See you all at the airport.


hi looking forward to meeting every one -just finishing off the packing and dithering about warmer clothing-Carol I will be getting there early as well -so hopefuly we wil meet up in the executive lounge-i have a vibrant pink and blue cabin case on wheels -so i am easy to spot-so excited
hi I am going as well -just finishing the packing and dithering over warm clothing - Rusty hatch i am getting there early as well -i have a bright pink and blue wheeled cabin luggage so I am easy to spot-see you in the executive lounge -so excited
  • (Member)
Hi Everybody

I would be grateful if you could post a feedback on 'testimonials' once you are back from your holiday as I have been thinking about going to China next year and would like to know what the weather is like in May. Looks like a great trip and so far I have not read anything negative about China from those who have been. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday.


  • (Member)
I too would love to hear about your trip. I want to go in spring of 2013.

Where is best place to get local currency?